Discuss fat? Heck yeah! Part 1

52 years ago
@GreatMartin (23675)
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
March 20, 2017 8:15pm CST
I was the sort of baby whose cheeks you wanted to pinch--all 4 cheeks--including the 2 on the butt. I was the kid who had"--such a handsome face if only he would lose weight." At 16 I was in the hospital due to an overdose of diet pills--hey, I rationalized that since I lost 7 pounds by taking a pill a day I would lose 14 pounds if I took 2 pills a day and so on--didn't work! You want the fat jokes? I know them all. You want the names fat boys, teens, men are called? I had them all thrown at me. (An aside--strangely enough I never 'suffered' for lack of sex--there are many, many chubby chasers out there!) The only time in the first 30 years of my life that I was thinner was when I was in the USMC for 2 years--not thin, but thinner. With the logic of the Corps why not put a fat kid to work in the kitchen? They did. I came out of the Marines fatter than I went in. (I did lose about 20 pounds during boot camp--probably the only time I ever exercised.) You name the diet and I was/had been on it---grapefruit, ice cream, fasting, watermelon, all kinds of 1 food diets, etc., and some you can't even name or don't want to remember like the eel diet (don't ask!) After just losing a lover, in March of 1967 I had gone out after work (Hey, what could be a better job than being a waiter whose pay consisted of all the food he could eat), got drunk, stopped at The Stage Deli and had a 'Hymie's Special' (a triple decker 3 meat sandwich with cole slaw and Russian dressing on it--serves 2 with a side of French fries), stopped at a bar to have a nightcap and 3 drinks later went next door to a pizza parlor and got a large, everything on it, to go pizza. It was 1 o'clock in the morning. I was drunk. I was nauseated. I hated myself. I couldn't commit suicide because I didn't know how or have the guts. (Pardon the pun.) I didn't have the nerve to slash my wrists. I didn't know how to get a gun and if I did I would probably botch it and wind up a vegetable. Couldn't overdose as I might screw that up, too. Hang myself? What in my apartment would hold me up? I ran out of the apartment and walked from 75th street to the Everod baths on 28th street. For the next few hours I participated in a debauchery of orgies only this time sex didn't give me any relief as it had done in the past. I walked out of the baths, into the morning's rising sun, tears running down my eyes, feeling hopeless, helpless and not knowing where to turn. (TO BE CONTINUED!)
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12 responses
@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Mar 17
What a first part of this story. I went through some of this too.
4 people like this
@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
25 Mar 17
As much as we all like to think we are different we have more in common than we want to have!! LOL
2 people like this
@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Mar 17
@GreatMartin ....Yes, that is so true.
24 Mar 17
From all that I have read that you have written, I think you've come out of your experiences a very strong person!
3 people like this
@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
25 Mar 17
Had no choice!! :O)
1 person likes this
• Pamplona, Spain
26 Mar 17
I agree with Judy I am waiting till you write the next part of this. Have read all of it. Very well written.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
26 Mar 17
Just posted Part 2! :O)
1 person likes this
• Pamplona, Spain
26 Mar 17
@GreatMartin Okay thank you will get back to you as soon as possible.
@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 17
I always find these glimpses into your life to be fascinating. Off to read the next part.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
11 Apr 17
Obviously a lady with good taste!
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@Tampa_girl7 (49371)
• United States
21 Apr 17
I have had a struggle with my weight off and on most of my life
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
22 Apr 17
Welcome to the club! :O)
• Eugene, Oregon
27 Mar 17
Wow, this is some story, will read part 2.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
30 Mar 17
Thanks--posted 2 :O)
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@jstory07 (134736)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Mar 17
I hope you continue with your story. Interesting and I want to read more.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
25 Mar 17
Oh I will but now and then not continuous! :O)
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@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
27 Apr 17
goose bumps... moving on to part 2
• Banks, Oregon
26 Mar 17
Glad i could find you on here have always enjoyed reading you're articles glad to read you're articles again
@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
25 Mar 17
You had a hard time but you came out of it and here you are today. It's a success story. I look forward to reading the next part.
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@Kandae11 (53900)
21 Mar 17
This is interesting. I look forward to the next episode.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
25 Mar 17
AS soon as I write it! :O)
1 person likes this
26 Mar 17
did you make this up?
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
26 Mar 17
"make this up"? This is my life I am writing about. Sorry but why would you ask a question like this?