First Payment Received

Banks, Oregon
April 14, 2017 6:16pm CST
It is with great joy I get my first payment from MyLot I am so happy that writing here will help me afford my Netflix and subscriptions, I am hoping to get twice that amount this next cashout. Now to come up with more to write about.
18 people like this
25 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
14 Apr 17
Congrats on your first payment. Keep up the good work.
4 people like this
• Banks, Oregon
14 Apr 17
Thank you here's to many more
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
15 Apr 17
2 people like this
• Prairieville, Louisiana
15 Apr 17
My second payment this month.
3 people like this
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
15 Apr 17
That's great. I had also received mine too.
2 people like this
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
15 Apr 17
@chrissbergstrom I am my, friend. I got also a payment from the other writing site.
2 people like this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
@Shavkat very good
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Awesome hope you are happy to
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
14 Apr 17
Congrats on receiving your first payment! That's exciting. I also received payment, although not my first. Either way it's nice to see.
2 people like this
• Banks, Oregon
14 Apr 17
Yes very nice
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Apr 17
Aw I thought I commented but my internet has been cutting in & out Congratulations to your first payout and cheers to more :)
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Apr 17
@chrissbergstrom My internet connection has been poor but now it is better. :)
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby well that's good
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Thanks yes mine has been doing that I think I leave a comment but then it's not there
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Apr 17
That first payment is always exciting!
2 people like this
• Banks, Oregon
14 Apr 17
Yes it is
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
14 Apr 17
Congratulations. I wonder if mine came in today.
2 people like this
• Banks, Oregon
14 Apr 17
Hopefully it did
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
14 Apr 17
Congrats! I see a lot of people here crowing about payment but sadly, mine just remains there even though it is above the minimum. I feel kind of left out!
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
14 Apr 17
That is to bad I'm sorry
1 person likes this
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
15 Apr 17
@chrissbergstrom Oh, my mistake! I thought the 15th was the cutoff date, it's just the payment date. The last day of the past month you have to have the minimum and I did not. Well, next month will be prodigious!
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
@dragon54u hope you get it next time
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
15 Apr 17
Grats on getting your first payout!
1 person likes this
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
15 Apr 17
@chrissbergstrom you are most welcome!
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
1 person likes this
@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
15 Apr 17
Heads up. Download the Ancestry App and it gives you a lot of free previews.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
@DianneN (247202)
• United States
15 Apr 17
Many congratulations to you! You can do it!
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Thanks I am happy
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@teamfreak16 (43419)
• Denver, Colorado
15 Apr 17
I was going to say that you should frame it, but how do you frame a Paypal transaction?
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Lol well bubblews user to have us do a screen capture before we cashed out to insure there was not a problem with payment could print that screen capture out lol
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@teamfreak16 (43419)
• Denver, Colorado
15 Apr 17
@chrissbergstrom I didn't even think of that.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
@teamfreak16 yeah I thought it was a odd thing for them to ask
1 person likes this
• India
15 Apr 17
Congratulations to you. Hope you get to celebrate many more.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
16 Apr 17
Yes here is to many many more
• Algeria
15 Apr 17
i am trying my best to earn my first paying.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Good luck
1 person likes this
• Algeria
16 Apr 17
• Nanjing, China
15 Apr 17
Sounds amazing hearing all these people thrilled when it comes to payday here. I'm looking forward to my first payday maybe next month, hopefully.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Maybe it will come next month for you
@allknowing (132070)
• India
15 Apr 17
The first time whatever it be is the most exciting. Congrats.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Yes it really is
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
15 Apr 17
Yay. Congratulations! Got mine too. Cant wait to see what else you write about
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Thank you I'm going to continue on with ABC's of me, and write part five of being gay in a small town, don't want to make my brother uncomfortable by writing to much detail lmao
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Apr 17
Just your first? Seems like you are old vet here now. The more effort, the more likely earnings.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
You would think but no I am still considered to be new to my lot but I wrote alot for bubblews before this, I do wrote alot here though and comment write a bit.
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@reskyyandi (3616)
• Indonesia
15 Apr 17
Congrats, you must be feeling great when you had your first payout
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
Was very happy
• Prairieville, Louisiana
15 Apr 17
I have Netflix to.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17
I love Netflix going to start reviewing new shows I watch
• Prairieville, Louisiana
15 Apr 17
You joined late last month so your payment is not that high.
1 person likes this
• Banks, Oregon
15 Apr 17