Is Peace on Earth really God's Goal????

@bird123 (10643)
United States
May 6, 2017 10:02am CST
It seems most people I know pray for world peace. They tell me that is what God wants. I don't see it. Life is the education of God's children. So often that takes adversity, challenges, and interaction to advance the lessons. The resolution of conflict always brings education of some sort. Having peace and having it made seems to be a default desire of most people. On the other hand, God's goal is the education of God's children. Peace will only arrive after all the lessons are learned.
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7 responses
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
7 May 17
their will only be Peace when Jesus Christ returns.. Because then all evil will be gone...
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
7 May 17
Jesus Christ is not coming back. Evil will only be gone when everyone has learned the lessons. If you don't learn the lesson, it just returns until you do. Perhaps, that is something you need to pay attention to. You can choose to live your life on stories, dreams, and beliefs, but that will not solve the problems. Do you sit in a chair pointing your finger at all the people you judge to be evil or do you attempt to do something about it? Is your life about you or is it about others???
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
8 May 17
@bird123 Jesus Christ is coming back, and i would say that it is going to be very soon....Evil will always be here because people are not learning they are moving father from the truth of Gods word.. Gods word will solve all problems if people would listen to them.. People are not Evil, the things that they do are sometimes evil...You have not learned the lesson yet on how to tell the difference.. My life is about God,,,,,,,
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
9 May 17
@dlr297 I will never be a Believer. I have to go on what Actually is. Just like mankind advanced from the caveman days so will mankind advance beyond the stories and beliefs you hold so dear. With greater knowledge comes greater capabilities, this frightens so many who live by feelings alone. Hang on. It will be OK. Things are getting better even if it seems mankind is just crawling along.
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@ranan1989 (385)
7 May 17
For me god is an imaginary character... To resurrect peace we have to develop our humanity at first... Then peace will automatically move to the front seat and violence will move to oblivion..
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
7 May 17
God actually does exist and not as a belief. Religion does not Understand God at all. Since believing has never been important to God, sounds like you are doing OK. Further, you already know God whether you know that you know or not. Yes, I see your Wisdom. Peace on Earth will not come from a Miracle from God. People will have to Learn that Peace is the only true Intelligent choice. People must also learn to put people above so many of the petty things that are fought over in this world. It will take much time but I think mankind will evolve to that point one day. We might not be around but perhaps we can point others in that direction during our travels in this lifetime.
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7 May 17
@bird123 Friend go through my comment thoroughly... I have told the same word what have you replied here... go through it.. you perhaps misjudge me...
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
17 May 17
( 49:13 ) O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
17 May 17
God is Unconditional Love. All God's children are Loved equally. In time, all will make it. Do not allow religion to corrupt your view into hating, blaming, and condemning others. It is petty. It is not at the Higher Level of God. Holy Books are all written by Mankind. It does show just that!!
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@FourWalls (67046)
• United States
6 May 17
The reason we don't have peace on earth is people -- even "God's children" -- keep telling God, "Hey, we'll do this" instead of letting HIM bring the peace He promised.
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
6 May 17
Understanding will come in time after one lives their many lessons. On the other hand, there are the new students born into this world in need of lessons. Clearly, Peace is not the Goal.
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@Shiva49 (26624)
• Singapore
16 May 17
I feel we are given enough freedom to live well or to choose to die by our own sword. We have learned all the lessons by now and it is time to take the next step for coexistence and, thereby, rise higher to realize our true potential. As per me, when we connect all the dots we will know the whole purpose of creation, Now we are like a frog in a well - siva
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
17 May 17
There is far too much to learn in one mere lifetime. There has never ever been a time limit on learning. Remember, Unconditional Love always does what is best for the other. That is God.
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@innertalks (21838)
• Australia
17 May 17
@Shiva49 Yes, Siva, and as bird123 said, I think too that is because we have moved away from our living solely from unconditional love, which as he says, always does what is best for the other. We should try to approach God's approach, and try to do the same. Put love first, and all ruts become mere wrinkles on our path.
@Shiva49 (26624)
• Singapore
17 May 17
@bird123 Agreed, but I feel we are stuck in a rut unable to free ourselves from relentless getting even and selfish agendas - siva
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@JediYoda (1646)
• Samoa
6 May 17
I hope that there will be a lasting peace in this world. No more wars, conflict and violence.
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@bird123 (10643)
• United States
7 May 17
I'm afraid many lessons will need to be lived and learned before that will be possible. Still, with every generation mankind will get wiser and wiser. One day in the future it will come.
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@JediYoda (1646)
• Samoa
10 May 17
@bird123 You are right on this. Hopefully it will come soon.
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@Frederick42 (2024)
• Canada
12 Oct 17
Since God does not even exist, how can he have a goal? Even we human beings do not have agoal in ultimate life. Then why would God, even if assuming he did exist, have agoal? Suppose there realy was a God, why would he create any of us? If he did create us , the he would not place any suffering and adversity here. He would have made this place a paradise, a world witout any war, disease, accidents and natural disasters.
• Canada
14 Oct 17
@bird123 Are you so sure that what you see are really the secrets of the universe? What you see could be your own imagination or hallucination. Sometimes people just see what they want to see and land up into all sorts of weird conclusions. Eternity cannot have a purpose because whatever purpose you give, you can still ask 'Now what is the purpose behind this purpose? ' Thereofre, puposelessness alone is the only answre. The desire to learn is what makes people learn and not suffering. When times are peaceul, people can learn all the more because then the the mind is coola nd clear. When times are not good and there is suffering, then one is confused, sad and bitter an done will not even be in a mood to learn anything.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
13 Oct 17
All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. Can you see? Oh, yes, Eternity has Purpose!!! When times are good, we sit back and enjoy the ride. When adversity hits, we have to think, study, analyze, plan, experiment, learn and grow in so many ways on the road to resolution. Which will teach you more? Having it made or adversity???
• Canada
15 Oct 17
@bird123 Eternity does not have any purpose. Never, But people want a purpose because people find it difficult to accept that there is no purpose. Moreover, purpose is very important in order to justify God. I have not given up anything and I discovered quite a lot. With very patient discover and very careful observation and all the facts adding up completely - I say with certainty- that there is no purpose to eternity. in fact, I can prove it. Not a single invention has been invented through adversity. all inventions have been made only when man is full of peace and times are running good. Adversity not only makes people sad and bitter, it also makes people hate each other. There is no learning whatsoever in adversity.