Did He Actually Cheat Me?

@else34 (13517)
New Delhi, India
July 3, 2017 7:42am CST
Recently I read a sentence in a newspaper, " It is better to be cheated by the price, than the product." There is a small HindI novel in my home library.Years ago I had bought it from a stranger who charged me Rs.100 for it.The book was in a precarious condition.The cover and the flap were torn.I had no way to know the actual, printed price of the book.Still I guessed it was no more than Rs.25 or Rs.30.I was curious to buy the book and he was taking undue advantage of my curiosity. Still I bought the book,because I was looking for it for a long time,but the book was out of print. The novel unfolds a folk tale that is told and listened in Uttarakhand,a northern state of India.You will find glimpses of the culture of that state,the divine beauty of its dense,mysterious jungles and the glory of noble, moral values scattered here and there in this small book. The book is in my home library.I still read it when I feel downbeat and depressed. The man from whom I bought it had cheated me.But he ended up cheating me by the price only, not the product, did he?
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3 responses
@Kandae11 (54186)
3 Jul 17
It was something you really wanted and it is serving you well.
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
3 Jul 17
@Kandae11 Yes,I was looking for the book for a long time,but it was out of print and unavailable.Now the book is with me.I don't think I was cheated.
• United States
3 Jul 17
I would agree that he cheated you on the price but you have a book forever (especially since it was one you wanted and out of print)
@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
3 Jul 17
As you can't find it anymore because it's out of print, the price has probably raised because the book is becoming rare. In the long run it'll be worth 100 Rs, no matter its condition. You had the product you wanted, so he didn't cheat on the product I think.