My Experience With Newbies

@else34 (13517)
New Delhi, India
July 4, 2017 8:07am CST
I love to welcome newbies on Mylot.I welcome them,visit their profiles and try to respond to as many of their discussions as possible.But,I admit,I don't do all this selflessly.I expect them to comment back on my responses. However most often they leave me disappointed.Rarely,very rarely someone of them comments back on my responses. What has been your experience with newbies? Do they honour your labour and comment back to your responses??
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10 responses
@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
4 Jul 17
I experienced the same with you and so I stick to my "old" (not newbies) Mylotters.
3 people like this
• India
5 Jul 17
@thelme55 that will happen most of the time
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
6 Jul 17
@thelme55 Do you mean to say I don't comment back? How can that be?Generally I comment back immediately after receiving a response or comment.
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
6 Jul 17
@else34 did I say that? Ops sorry. I just saw this in my comment have written in wrong. I mean some not you. I am really sorry if I have offended you but I did not mean "you"".Please don't get angry with me. What I meant is I experienced the same.
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• India
4 Jul 17
most of the newbies disappear very fast from the site. don't know why.
2 people like this
• India
4 Jul 17
@Tracy04 yea I think it may be the reason
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
5 Jul 17
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
6 Jul 17
@Tracy04 Exactly.They join and disappear.This is perhaps because they join the site for money only.When they get disillusioned,they leave.
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
8 Jul 17
I support newbies as well. I visit their profiles and leave comments in their discussions. As part of welcoming them, I encourage them to read the site's FAQ and guidelines. I guess not everyone is cut out to be a part of myLot.
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
9 Jul 17
@else34 I never really bother myself if they comment back or not. As far as I'm concerned, it is their loss not mine.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
8 Jul 17
@allen0187 LOL!! Yes,they are not cut out to be a part of mylot.By the way,do they comment back on your responses?Most of them join and disappear.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
9 Jul 17
@allen0187 Exactly.It's their loss.But they don't realise it.They don't know what they are losing.
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• United States
6 Jul 17
It is a chance you take , every one was knew at some time.. Some are more committed to the site than others
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
7 Jul 17
@CookieMonster46 As a mylot user I will continue visiting their posts whenever I have time.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
6 Jul 17
@CookieMonster46 You're absolutely right.It's a risk that we have to take if we want to do justice with the site.And,despite disappointments,I take the risk no matter they comment back or not.
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• United States
6 Jul 17
@else34 just count on most not coming back,...
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
4 Jul 17
I comment back on all responses to my posts. I also visit their profile, which I'm usually disappointed as they don't have more than a line and it usually makes no sense to me. But I leave a response as best I can. I usually never hear from them again. I have no expectations of anyone commenting back on what I've responded to. That way I'm not disappointed.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
6 Jul 17
@just4him That's exactly what I do.However sometimes I get late due to other works.When I comment on a newbie's post,I expect them to comment back,because I want to hit the payout here as soon as possible.That's why I get disappointed when they don't comment back.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
7 Jul 17
@just4him I know.Most of them are not "serious" members of mylot.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jul 17
@else34 Not everyone will comment back.
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@ilocosboy (45157)
• Philippines
4 Jul 17
Well they expected to have an income just like during the prime days of bubblews.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
9 Jul 17
My experience has been somewhat similar Although some of them are very interactive ..I would say 50:50
@cahaya1983 (11120)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 17
I usually check their activity on MyLot, it gives me an idea about how active they are in interacting rather than just posting discussions and replying to comments on their own discussions.
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@manasamanu (3746)
• Bangalore, India
4 Jul 17
Well that's difficult to say for me, because I spend very less time myLotting.
9 Jul 17
Yes I too want someone's comment to my responses.. I also try to comment back to other responses and comments..