The fact of the matter is a lot of us need a new home

@Jackalyn (7559)
Oxford, England
August 2, 2017 3:00am CST
Every so often the urge towrite something creative on Mylot gets to me. I am, like many here a person who is frustrated that all the places we used to put our creative stuff shut down/cheated us or look like potential cheats. But this, I hear people say, is a discussion site. I understand. It is like some of us are refugees who are here and love it but still long for our new writing home where we can really be ourselves but still visit an awful lot. Here is my thought. If Mylot works then it works whatever gets written. That got me thinking and dreaming and hoping and maybe even pleading. Please can we have a second Mylot with the same alogorithm. That could be the creative site for the writers and still we could be here and everyone could be happy and it would be like living next door and we could all be friends and hop on over and visit for a chat or a story or well please can the only website working for anyone who writes anything discussion of story or article or whatever help us writers out? I would start a writer's site myself but I am not clever enough with the alogorithms.
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5 responses
@depromise (232)
• Lagos, Nigeria
2 Aug 17
well it all depends on people because different people have different time to spend on my lot. some may have less time to write a blog or a creative write up.
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@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
2 Aug 17
Yes but then those who would would and those who did not want to woukd not so there would not be a problem.
@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
2 Aug 17
@depromise Every so often someone posts this is a discussion site not a site for writers. A lot of us here like to do both. I was just thinking of a way everyone could be happy.
• Lagos, Nigeria
2 Aug 17
@Jackalyn so I think no need of having different my lot or opening another discussion site DAT works like my lot for the sake of creative discussion. those who always like the creative discussion will always like it and those who like other kinds of discussion will have their choice if discussion too.
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@GoAskAlice (5815)
7 Aug 17
Why do you feel that you cannot do your creative writing here?
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@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
7 Aug 17
I do feel I can put some but a lot of people prefer this as a discussion site so longer stuff rarely works.
@hereandthere (45651)
• Philippines
2 Aug 17
what kind of creative writing - fiction like short stories? poetry?
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@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
2 Aug 17
@Poppylicious (11133)
2 Aug 17
I think this site works whichever way it is used. Maybe people need to be a bit more daring and adventurous and be a bit more creative. I wouldn't have time for a different site {which is what it would essentially be}!
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@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
2 Aug 17
Someone jumps in with "this is a discussion site"
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
3 Aug 17
I put fiction here from time to time but I guess I don't over do it - and I keep it short. I hear what you're saying though
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