"I know you..I walked with you once upon a dream..~Sleeping Beauty"

@TriniTU (141)
August 12, 2017 5:11am CST
Yayy...remember those lines from Sleeping Beauty? Or.."someday, my Prince will come..someday,my Prince will come"..oh,admit it, girls and ladies knows...because we're so hooked up with fairytales!!!! Because we grew up with it! And yeah..Psychology says it,if maybe unintentionally, that fairytales affect our perception of what kind of lovestory we wanted to have. And also our or guys perception of women who are just like every damsel in distress in fairytales..or somebody who needs a knight in shining armor! So..somehow it tangles up or twisted up our reality because we, women,some if not all, tries to seek a love a lot like the fairytales we used to watched as kids. Like our mind is set on the belief of happy ever after, princess on the tower, Cinderella type of story or Sleeping Beauty who needs a kiss to wake up..or Snow White...until..life and reality slaps us with the truth that not all lovestory is fairytale..with a happy ever after..or a Prince to save you and marry you and bring you to a castle! It's like that song..."I know you..I walked with you once upon a dream"...or how fairytales starts,"once upon a time.."So it's clear..fairytale-kind-of lovestory is ONCE UPON A TIME...NOT ALL THE TIME...Every girls should be taught about that too I think..I love the Maleficent story instead..a bit truthful and realistic...
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2 responses
@Chellezhere (5626)
• United States
12 Aug 17
Yes, but how do we tell our little girls that sometimes the men who seem the most charming are actually wolves in sheep's clothing?
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@TriniTU (141)
• Philippines
13 Aug 17
yah,i understand..but maybe what we can do is explain to them what's real and not..nowadays kids seems to be smarter than the old days..they might even tell us.."it's just a story"..i think we should talk to them like they were adults sometimes..
@jobelbojel (35114)
• Philippines
21 Aug 17
I don't know that line. I am not into watching fairy tale.