Ten Favorite Beatles Songs: I Will (#6)

@FourWalls (63386)
United States
September 1, 2017 9:07pm CST
Harvey has arrived, giving us quite a bit of rain (nothing like Texas, though), and a record low high temperature (it only made it to 60 today...it was 87 yesterday...and yes, I did wear a jacket). As the rain winds down I'll give you a sunny song from my list of favorite Beatles songs...and no, it's not "Good Day Sunshine." Here's today's song. #6: I Will The title and the song are short. This is barely 100 seconds long. Well, Billy Shakespeare once said that brevity is the soul of wit. Yeah, and it makes for a great song, too. By this time (1968) Paul had met Linda and was deeply in love. And, according to Picky Wedia, the lyrics weren't finished. This may well be just half of what the song was "going to be." Why mess with a good thing, though? Another interesting thing from the Beatles sources quoted at Wikipedia: this one minute, forty six-second song took sixty seven takes. I would guess that a lot of that was just goofing off in the studio (if you've ever heard any of the Beatles outtakes bootlegs you know they were very good at goofing off in the studio...one of my personal favorites is when they broke into "The Harry Lime Theme" from The Third Man). Or I would hope that a lot of that was goofing off in the studio. At any rate, it's 107 seconds of quiet, beautiful love song. I Will Written by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon-McCartney) From The Beatles, 1968 Here's Paul hilariously lip syncing the song:
A Macca Classic from the White Album... www.stevieriks.com
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5 responses
@dgobucks226 (34670)
2 Sep 17
Beautiful song from The Beatles "White Album." Great pick and yes, a lot can be said in a few words!
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Sep 17
I must confess that I never heard of this song before.
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@teamfreak16 (43419)
• Denver, Colorado
2 Sep 17
67 takes? Geez. That's a lot of studio time.
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@FourWalls (63386)
• United States
2 Sep 17
They had to do something to come up with all that nonsense in "Revolution #9."
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• Philippines
2 Sep 17
My Dad is a fan of The Beatles and this song "I will" kept on playing when I was younger. Now hearing it again brings back old memories.
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7 Sep 17
well, the Beatles still one of the greatest!
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