Have you tried Black seed also called Black cumin

@fkm232 (109)
September 18, 2017 7:56pm CST
Black seed one of the best Natural Medicine. Take empty stomach every day 10-15 seeds or more Usually i take in the morning. It cure so many diseases Please check the picture so you know it.
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7 responses
@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
19 Sep 17
We Indians use it in tempering while making curries:) NIce to hear its benefits, I didn't know it is a natural medicine
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
19 Sep 17
@kepweng Yes, there are many masalas, LOL makes very good curries :)
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
19 Sep 17
@fkm232 Yes, I agree, I will try to do little research of my own :)
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@Kind4321 (826)
• Nairobi, Kenya
19 Sep 17
I really like Indian food and the naan...too awesome.I am currently collecting indian spices here in my country so that i can make my own indian cuisine
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@dgobucks226 (34855)
19 Sep 17
Never tried it, but I know it contains antioxidants which are beneficial to heart health.
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@dgobucks226 (34855)
19 Sep 17
@kepweng Yes, from what I've read it does. Nice to know right?
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@fkm232 (109)
19 Sep 17
Yea that's true
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@prashu228 (37525)
• India
19 Sep 17
I never heard of cumin oil. Cumin is used in everyday recipes
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@fkm232 (109)
19 Sep 17
Yea me too
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
22 Sep 17
I never hear of this before until just now but then again I don't really look any further than the basic multivitamin.
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@fkm232 (109)
22 Sep 17
You could try it, its good for health if you can you take daily
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@rubyriaz007 (4188)
• India
24 Nov 17
I have used black cumin seeds. I have used it for hair fall. It reduces hair fall.It also cures many other diseases like diabetes, skin disorders, and obesity.
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@fkm232 (109)
27 Nov 17
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@Kind4321 (826)
• Nairobi, Kenya
19 Sep 17
I met some Egyptians at an Expo here in my country and they swore by it.They said if i take it religiously every morning i will look for them and buy them lunch since I will be feeling amazing all over my body and much more healthier.
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@fkm232 (109)
19 Sep 17
Thank you for sharing your knowledge
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@Kind4321 (826)
• Nairobi, Kenya
20 Sep 17
@fkm232 welcome always a pleasure to help where i can
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@Kind4321 (826)
• Nairobi, Kenya
20 Sep 17
@fkm232 anytime.Always a pleasure
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• Bekasi, Indonesia
4 Dec 18
Where did you get the seeds from?