It has been 3 months!

@Jdaw1985 (3967)
Harrells, North Carolina
September 22, 2017 7:14pm CST
That is right guys it has been 3 months since I have been here. But if some of you remember I was pregnant and about to go into the hospital to have my baby. I promised everyone that I would post and show everyone pictures of my baby but I have been so busy with him. Not only have I been busy with taking care of my new baby I have also got a job in the last month. So I have been super tired and have not felt like getting on here at all. Hope everyone is doing well and I can not promise that I will be able to get on here and post but I will try.
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5 responses
@Kosgey (1706)
23 Sep 17
Good, hope you are going well right now with your new born baby, you are welcome any time in my lot so long as you a good spare time to interact.
@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
That is what I love about being here no one holds it against you for being gone for any reason.
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@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
@Kosgey Yes it is.
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@Kosgey (1706)
23 Sep 17
@Jdaw1985 it is really nice.
@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
23 Sep 17
I remember you mentioning have a baby! What did you name him? Congratulations on the baby and the job! Go girl.
@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
Thank you and I named him John David. Yeah I been supper busy with it all and my baby boy is so spoiled LOL.
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@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
@Courtlynn LOL I really did not mean to let it happen it just did LOL.
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
23 Sep 17
@Jdaw1985 aw cute name. mine would be too
@Morleyhunt (21745)
• Canada
23 Sep 17
New babies have a way of taking up a lot of our time.
@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
You are so right there.
@NJChicaa (117604)
• United States
23 Sep 17
Busy is good!
@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
LOL yes it is some times LOL.
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@ilocosboy (45157)
• Philippines
23 Sep 17
Wow, really looking forward to see your baby.
@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
Thank you I will try and post about him tonight.
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@ilocosboy (45157)
• Philippines
23 Sep 17
@Jdaw1985 I'm excited
@Jdaw1985 (3967)
• Harrells, North Carolina
23 Sep 17
@ilocosboy I posted it already with a picture of right after he was born.
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