Opened a ShutterStock account.

Kolkata, India
October 11, 2017 10:15am CST
Though not for earning something huge, but I love taking clciks, and what could be better, if that could earn me a little. Just opened a SHutterStock account. Do you have one? If yes, then how is it, and does it gives earning?
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7 responses
@responsiveme (22926)
• India
11 Oct 17
No.goodluck with your photos
2 people like this
• Kolkata, India
11 Oct 17
Thank you so much.
2 people like this
@silvermist (19702)
• India
11 Oct 17
I think I opened an account there last year.But that was all.When you post photos there ,I will check them out.
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@SHOHANA (16094)
• Bangladesh
12 Oct 17
@silvermist its same about me
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• Kolkata, India
11 Oct 17
So, you didn't uploaded any thing over there?
2 people like this
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
@SHOHANA i would request you both to try your luck once again now, as they are accepting low resolution pictures also.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
12 Oct 17
I do not have a Shutterstock account, it is to sell photos I believe.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 I will have a look, I have many photos I have taken, I could join too.
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• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
Yeah both for selling and buying. I have joined them as a contributor
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• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
@LadyDuck surely you should join.
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@SHOHANA (16094)
• Bangladesh
12 Oct 17
I think i had an account there, it require high resulation of images and quality images. I didn't use it because i don't have any camera.
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@SHOHANA (16094)
• Bangladesh
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 oh really! then such a plus point i must say
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
@SHOHANA Indeed it is
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
Oh.. That's sad. But as for the present requirement, they need photos with atleast 4MP resolution, and these days even the smartphones offer that resolution. So thats a plus.
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@just4him (314721)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Oct 17
No, I don't, but I've checked out their photos. Good luck with it.
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• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
Thank You so much.
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
11 Oct 17
I've heard of this before and I don't have an idea what it is.
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• Kolkata, India
11 Oct 17
Shutterstock is a place from where one can buy pictures of various genres. And a good place for freelancer, to upload some photos and make a chance to get is sold for a few buck. I am also new, I really don't know how much profitable it is, so thought to bring it in discussion.
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 So, this is a website for selling photos?
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
@JustBhem Both for selling and buying.. I have joined as a contributor.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
22 Nov 17
I tried Shutterbox before but I found it was not for me. I love to take pictures but it was not for me. I hope you are doing well on it.