Rihanna's Weight Gain: Yay or Nay?

Aurora, Colorado
November 8, 2017 8:21pm CST
Personally, I think Rihanna looks great! However, I've been seeing people calling her fat and saying she looks bad. So, my question/s to my fellow MyLot users; do you think she looks bad/fat? What do you consider to be too big?
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4 responses
@Orson_Kart (6347)
• United Kingdom
11 Nov 17
Rihanna has always been beautiful, but even more so since she became curvier. Love her in Wild Thoughts. Very sexy.
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@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
9 Nov 17
is that picture for real? last time i saw her she was neither fat nor thin
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14 Jan 20
still beautiful regardless of her weight.
• United States
9 Nov 17
Too big for me is when someone is unhealthily overweight or obese. And even then I am just concerned for their health, but they are still beautiful. I feel so annoyed when people only think skinny is beautiful.
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