The Introduction of Someone Who Doesn't Know How to Introduce Themself

United States
May 1, 2018 3:49pm CST
Over the years introducing myself has gotten harder. It was a lot easier when I was a kid playing on the playground where usually a simple 'Hi!' followed by your name and maybe what kind of pet you had would suffice as an introduction to your peers. These days as an adult I find it much harder to do. It seems likely that I over complicate the process. I remember many times in the first days in college being asked to introduce myself to the class and frantically digging through my memories in an effort to recall any funny short anecdotes, important or relevant events in my life, or achievements that I could present to others. All the while my brain rebels against me by just going blank. As each student before me presents themselves with a long list of accomplishments and goals for their future you can find me sitting in my seat, possibly looking around nervously as I try to mentally rehearse my introduction. I am possibly wondering if it is better to say 'Hi!' or 'Hello' and thinking of ways to pad things so it seems like I am providing more than just my name when my turn roles around. Should I be casual about this? Should I be formal? Does anyone even care? Do I look like an idiot if I don't have much to say? Surely I could provide SOMETHING of interest. When it is over, I can't tell if I am embarrassed or relieved. I know first impressions are important, but I am just glad I got through the ordeal. And now here I am years later finding that I am making obligatory introduction post. Hi! My name is Nicole.
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15 responses
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
1 May 18
Hi. I'm Darrin. My cats are called Winston and Howard and my dog is called Hugo. There you go. A blast from the past to make you feel welcome. Welcome to myLot. You need have no worries about talking to people here. They're a pretty OK crowd
4 people like this
• United States
1 May 18
Oh no! I realize now I have failed my introduction! I forgot to mention I have a dog. Her name is Moxie. I have a feeling I will still be nervous doing so, but luckily these things come easier over the internet than they do when you are actually in the physical presence of others.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
1 May 18
@things4gotten You think that counts as a failure here? You haven't read many discussions have you? You'll be fine! Everyone here was new once. We all understand. Just jump into some discussions and you'll soon be an old hand.
3 people like this
• United States
1 May 18
@WorDazza Haha! I have certainly heard stories from friends who have used this site over the years. You are probably right though. Right now, I am trying to find some discussions to jump into. There are so many options!
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@JudyEv (329109)
• Rockingham, Australia
2 May 18
Welcome to myLot and don't worry too much. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.
4 people like this
• United States
2 May 18
I hope so. So far I am enjoying my experience here. Thank you for the welcome!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
1 May 18
It's nice meeting you! I hope you enjoy your time here. =)
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• United States
1 May 18
Nice meeting you too! And thank you, I am sure I will!
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
1 May 18
Hi, I'm Yuki, and I have a husband who likes hot saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauce. *cough*
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
1 May 18
@things4gotten It should be hot sauce and only hot sauce, too.
2 people like this
• United States
2 May 18
@yukimori If they bring along one of his friends it can be ketchup and only ketchup. It wouldn't be going to waste that way. His friend practically drinks the stuff. Some places have given him full bags of it to go with his sandwich.
1 person likes this
• United States
1 May 18
I should introduce your husband to mine one of these days. I am sure they can order hot sauce at the drive through together.
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@Courtlynn (66971)
• United States
2 May 18
it definitely is different as an adult than as a child. but very nice to meet you. see you around.
3 people like this
• United States
2 May 18
Nice to meet you as well!
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@AlisaTR (936)
• Trinidad And Tobago
1 May 18
HI Nicole! An overthinker eh? You sound like fun! Welcome You would enjoy myLot.
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@AlisaTR (936)
• Trinidad And Tobago
1 May 18
@things4gotten you'll be cool. I look forward to more of your posts
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• United States
1 May 18
Yeah, I'm just a bit of an over thinker... a little bit... quite a little bit... Actually not a little bit at all, if I am being honest with myself. XD Thank you for the compliment! I look forward to participating in many more discussions.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
2 May 18
Hello Nicole! First impressions are important but I also believe first impressions don't last. So I don't really try to impress people when I'm introducing myself for the first time. They will have that chance of knowing who I really am as time goes by. I may come off strong and intimidating to others the first time, but when they get to know me, they realise I'm a friendly soul. Nice to meet you.
2 people like this
• United States
2 May 18
Its nice to meet you as well!
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
2 May 18
Hi Nicole, Welcome. I am Edward. The day time risk manager but full time investor, trader,CEO,CFO and COO of my well being Pte Ltd
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• United States
2 May 18
Um... um... I am... a full time person... in charge of the very important task of things and the keeping of... stuff... Yeah I got nothing. XD
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
2 May 18
A way out of such a predicament is to write down the things you can/want to talk about in an introduction. Have you ever thought of this? It's not embarrassing at all if others see your sheet of paper. You can just say that you've written down some items in order not to forget vital information about yourself. You can tell this with a smiling face. Everybody will understand this because they are in exactly the same situation. For some reason, shy people always think that others are brave and they are the exception. This is not the case. There are many other people like you. Believe me. --- Please add the name of your country to your account page.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
3 May 18
@things4gotten Why not? What went wrong?
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• United States
2 May 18
Yes, I have tried doing so on a couple occasions but the results have not been great.
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• Midland, Michigan
3 Apr 19
It may surprise you, but I think many people prethink what they will say in situations such as those you talk about here. I came from another site where many of those that have been here on mylot also came from and therefore, I don't think I even wrote an introductory post when starting here. Once you get several discussions written people can more easily see what type of topics you like to or tend to write about. You can also provide a type of bio in your profile that shows up when people visit your list of discussions, so if you ever think of something you wish you had included you can still add that at any time.
@redurnet (1799)
• United Kingdom
3 May 18
I know exactly what you mean! As a kid I used to introduce myself to new kids by handing out sweets. I sometimes wish I could do that now.
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@Daelii (5619)
• United States
2 May 18
welcome! Introductions can be hard at times. I'm not a huge fan of public speaking but do so for important causes!
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
2 May 18
@things4gotten So very true. I have yet to meet someone who can nail deadpan like you can.
2 people like this
• United States
2 May 18
I am not a fan of public speaking either. I even had a case of freezing up in front of the class in college once. The only two times I was ever comfortable with it was when I was so fed up with the material I was covering that I stopped caring, tossed my notes and just decided to flat out talk about the subject matter. I have been told I do a great deadpan. What kind of causes do you do public speaking for?
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
2 May 18
Hi Nicole... welcome to Mylot
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• United States
2 May 18
Hello, and thank you for the welcome!
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@Starmaiden (9311)
• Canada
1 May 18
I think you made a GREAT introduction. Welcome to mylot!
2 people like this
• United States
1 May 18
Thank you for the welcome and the compliment! I look forward to using this site.
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@Fleura (29268)
• United Kingdom
8 Feb 19
Hi Nicole, nice to 'see' you. I'm sure we will get to know you in time : )