How would you feel if Trump gor indicted?

July 19, 2018 1:06pm CST
There is a chance, not too high that President Trump may get indicted. This appears to be one of the words on the street lately with the whole Russia deal. If this were to ever happen, how would it make you feel? And its ok if you are not America, the world has opinions about this matter.
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2 responses
@Mike197602 (15495)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul 18
Personally as a non US citizen I wouldn't necessarily care but (I don't know the legalities) if it meant mike pence became president then I'd prefer trump to not be indicted.
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@Mike197602 (15495)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul 18
@myklj999 I was looking at that so asked below to save research time!!
@Ntan822 (530)
• Israel
19 Jul 18
personally ill feel pretty bad. I'm from Israel. there were many presidents. all made so many promises to Israel but all lied and did nothing. made it worse actually. only Trump did something actually FOR Israel. He made sure there will be no questions on what's belong to the Israelis people. And what he did for Jerusalem is not all... He is the only president that actually doing what he's saying he'll do. For Israel. For the rest... I cant's say i know much.
@Ntan822 (530)
• Israel
19 Jul 18
@myklj999 that's my point! Since 1995 but all of the presidents used the loop hole and didn't do it. Trump is the only one who delivered the promise
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
19 Jul 18
@Ntan822 If Donald did something you can be sure it was for his own benefit, not the people of Isreal.
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@Ntan822 (530)
• Israel
19 Jul 18
@boiboing Umm.. I don't like this saying. On anyone. Because that's stupid in my opinion. It means that you always have excuses. Because no matter what he'll do than you can say " he's doing it for himself, not the people.". But.. Obviously that the Israeli people are benefited here. If he's doing it for himself? Well.. He helped us wile doing so , so-so what? Some people are so desperate to be against him that they will even put stuff that happened under Obama to get the public against him. No wonder no one trust the media anymore.