Do you like to eat fresh fruits? What are the fruits you never miss to buy?

@Teekaaa (11580)
August 18, 2018 9:36am CST
Hi mylotters! Good evening! How's your day been so far?? Mine is going good. Going to the discussion...... In our house, we used to buy fruits often, that is, atleast once in fifteen days. My mom used to buy banana, pomegranate, apples and sweet lime. These four fruits we never miss to buy. Apart from these,we also buy cherries and plums.... My mom used to have mixed fruit as her breakfast... I used to have pomegranate as my breakfast... Than junk food, eating whole fresh fruits is healthy... What about you mylotters?? Do you like to eat fresh fruits? What are the fruits you never miss to buy? Share. Image courtesy Google.
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15 responses
• Philippines
18 Aug 18
Fruits are good for the body so I always have a banana, apple, orange, grapes, lychee, and pear. I also like strawberry, papaya, watermelon, melon, lanzones, and chico.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
18 Aug 18
we never out of bananas because they are cheap here, but I love to eat so much is mangosteen. they are so delicious and healthy although very seasonal.
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@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
18 Aug 18
the really sad thing is that i am not a huge fan of fruits..but when i do i usually grab small or medium sized bananas,berries especially blueberries, mangoes,persimmons and honeydews. Count lemons in as well.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
19 Aug 18
Yes, I like fresh fruits and I never miss to buy apples and oranges, they are available all year long.
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@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
18 Sep 18
Yes I like fresh fruits and I prefer grapes because there is no any effort to eat it just wash and eat... hahaha
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@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
19 Aug 18
I love fruits. Lately I've been eating a lot of avocadoes because they are in season.
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@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
18 Aug 18
Fresh fruits is the big part of my daily diet. Today, I will eat a melon, a cantaloupe and some grapes along with some vegetables.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
18 Aug 18
We always have banana, I love mango but we do not buy cause we have our own tree.
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@moirai (2854)
• Philippines
19 Aug 18
Because I'm lazy I usually go for fruits that I only need to wash, and can eat right away, like apples and pears. Also good are those that are easy to peel, like bananas and some citrus fruits (dalanghita, ponkan,...) Next would be those that needs some slicing, like mangoes. Last would be those that really need work, like pineapples. Berries (and grapes) are good, too. But I think they're a bit more expensive so we get them only on special occasions.
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@caopaopao (12395)
• China
19 Aug 18
I like fruit very much. In other seasons, I often buy apples. I often buy watermelon and grapes in summer.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
18 Aug 18
I never miss buying my bananas, blueberries, seedless red grapes and also some pears.
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@manikarnika (3236)
• India
19 Aug 18
Yeah...Actually i don't like strawberry fruit.But i was forced to have strawberry ice cream by my hubby.I am surprised it was so yummy.Now onwards i don't want to miss strawberries ice cream...It also have pretty colour...That's my favourite colour too...My pink
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@Keibah (231)
• Nigeria
19 Aug 18
I love fruits do much and I never miss bananas and oranges. Apples too but they are more expensive.
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
18 Aug 18
I love eating fresh fruits. I like to eat almost all fruits. We buy it often.
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
18 Aug 18
I most like bannans, kiwi and oranges. We have it at home depands on seasons
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