Improving your English

Russian Federation
August 21, 2018 6:37am CST
Hello, everyone! I know that some of you constantly improve your English and use good websites for self-education. I have found a good free website where native speakers give short video lessons (link below). You can also try them for free. Just chose your level and a teacher. I find video lessons very useful. Have you ever tried something like this? Please, share your experience. Do you know other free good websites and tools for improving English?
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9 responses
@dya80dya (35542)
21 Aug 18
I used Duolingo. I like it.
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@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
21 Aug 18
Yes Duolingo makes me wonder...why do people need real teachers when they have this. But it turns out different people have different preferences.
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@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
21 Aug 18
@yoalldudes yep! Duolingo is the best website
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• Philippines
21 Aug 18
I just watch on Youtube. And recently, on Linked In Learning.
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@amirev777 (4117)
• India
14 Sep 18
Thanks for sharing the link. I feel my proficiency in both written and spoken English is satisfactory enough. I am trying to learn French now.
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• Russian Federation
14 Sep 18
Good luck!
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Aug 18
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28 Sep 18
ESL Gold. Reading can also improve your English.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
5 Sep 18
@MashaVickina I am glad you found a website that helps you with your English. I can also help you too.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
21 Aug 18
I also use duolingo, the same other users mentioned.
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• Quezon City, Philippines
22 Aug 18
I also use Duolingo.. Thanks for the share .
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• Bekasi, Indonesia
29 Dec 18
I'm glad you found a site that really helps you use English.