My First myLot Payout

@CarolDM (203445)
Nashville, Tennessee
September 28, 2018 1:30pm CST
Thank you to everyone here that has helped me become eligible for my first payout. Of course I know I will have to wait until the 15th of next month to cash out and by myself a cup of coffee. I am not here for the money obviously but it is a little bonus. I enjoy the conversation and have met some great friends already that I have a lot in common with. But it was a nice surprise to see the $5.00 in my bank. I have been here 15 days and it is a joy every day to see what you are all up to. Thank you again for your help. I look forward to conversing with more of you as time passes. Have a great day everyone.
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37 responses
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
28 Sep 18
You done very well there.Congrats
4 people like this
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
28 Sep 18
@CarolDM we are aim to please you Carol
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
@amadeo You always make me smile.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
Thank you, couldn't have done it without all of my friends.
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@mesbakh (2284)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 18
i am waiting for first time too. may be next moneth because i have 4,7 dollars now
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
30 Sep 18
Now is our last day to collect that.
@mesbakh (2284)
• Indonesia
30 Sep 18
@CarolDM 4,8 dollars now
@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
Good luck to you.
@Juliaacv (49654)
• Canada
28 Sep 18
That's wonderful! Congratulations. They pay around the 15th, not necessarily on that exact date, but either way, its not far away.
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@Juliaacv (49654)
• Canada
28 Sep 18
@CarolDM You'll get a notification when the transfer goes thru from Paypal, and there will be dollar signs on either side of the myLot at the top centre of our screens on the day that they payout. And a lot of members usually post about it. I just go by my email from paypal.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
Great, so nothing else I need to do I guess.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
@Juliaacv Great, that is what I was hoping. Thanks.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
29 Sep 18
Congratulations, not many users reach payout the first month that they join. We are not here for the money, but that little extra is welcome.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
29 Sep 18
@CarolDM I am so glad you reached payout, it's a little satisfaction. I have kept the money I earned here, I will decide one day what to do with it.
@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
I am not here for the money either Anna. Just thought I would share and than everyone for your help.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
@LadyDuck Thanks, I too am unsure what i will with mine. Maybe donate.
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
28 Sep 18
Well done, it didn't take you long considering that you are a newbie. You must have been very active.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
Thanks, well I have been posting daily and reading when I can.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
28 Sep 18
You are doing great. Congrats
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
29 Sep 18
@CarolDM AWWWWW Now look what you made me do!
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
@wolfgirl569 I am serious, very true Eva.
@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
Thank you Eva, you are one of my new special friends.
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@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
30 Sep 18
Well done but mine was not able to reached the payout level. Just a few cents away. . I don’t mind at all. I don’t really monitor my earnings and I post here to enjoy and pass time. I just checked my earnings yesterday and realized I was very near.
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@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
30 Sep 18
@CarolDM me too. Was just surprised that i was very near. I guess by this month I would hit it for sure.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Sep 18
I am not here for the earnings, if I were, well you know. I was just thanking everyone since I am still a newbie.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Sep 18
@rsa101 The months roll by much too fast.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
30 Sep 18
That's really great. Congrats on reaching payout! I'm glad that you were able to do it.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
1 Oct 18
@CarolDM You're most welcome.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Sep 18
Thanks Dominique.
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 18
Congratulations, for me it has 4 months just can reach that number.
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 18
@CarolDM that's true, but sometimes I don't have much time on mylot.
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
1 Oct 18
@kepweng Sometimes I have to do something else such as mopping the floor or repairing the connection.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
You have to spend a lot of time for sure.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
29 Sep 18
Congratulations to you and may you have many more pay days here. I'm not in it for the money either, but find this myLot of ours so relaxing and wonderful and full of wonderful people from around the world. They make me laugh, cry with them, or lend an ear for venting. Enjoy your cup of coffee!!!
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
1 Oct 18
@CarolDM I'm glad. Usually with me, the conversations are late, especially during the weekends.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
2 Oct 18
@DianneN We all have different schedules.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
Thank you Dianne. I am enjoying the conversation for sure.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Sep 18
I'm glad you made the payout. It's one thing we all realize when we've been here for a while. It's not the money, it's the people who make myLot what it is - a great place to enjoy a good cup of tea or coffee while we get to know each other.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
Yes I knew that coming in, you do not get rich form these sites. I enjoy meeting people such as yourself
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Sep 18
@CarolDM Thank you.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
30 Sep 18
@CarolDM Congratulations!! I hope,you'll soon hit your secondetails payout.I'm now at halfway mark.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
30 Sep 18
@CarolDM You are always most welcome,my friend.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Sep 18
Thanks and the same to you.
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
28 Sep 18
So glad to know you are enjoying the site Carol. I too am not here for the dollars, rather the company. And it is excellent. Congrats to you.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
Thank you, another of my favorite friends I have met here.
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
28 Sep 18
@CarolDM Thank you so much for saying so I feel the same way my friend. Bless you.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
@Courage7 You are so welcome, I appreciate you listening to me.
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@TishaMears (1026)
• United States
29 Sep 18
Wow! That's great! I'm still waiting for mine. You killed it in such a short time! Congrats!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Sep 18
@CarolDM You've had alot of activity. It paid off. Not so much for me. You're welcome
@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
Thanks Tisha, I was surprised.
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@andriaperry (116863)
• Anniston, Alabama
29 Sep 18
As time passes you will make a lot more than that! Why? you are a good active member. I already know of you from Virily so that is a bonus
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
I hope so. Thank you Andria, always good to see you.
@dya80dya (35542)
30 Sep 18
Congrats! You reached the payout very fast.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Sep 18
I guess I was very busy.
@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
28 Sep 18
Congrats ! I still need one dollar here to reach payout
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
28 Sep 18
@CarolDM Thank you.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Sep 18
Good luck, I am sure you will get there.
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@Janet357 (75651)
29 Sep 18
Congrats! It is really exciting to see 5usd on your paypal:)
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@Janet357 (75651)
29 Sep 18
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
Thanks yes it was a surprise so soon.
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• Philippines
29 Sep 18
Congratulations, Carol. Keep it up!
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
Thank you Maria.
• Chandigarh, India
29 Sep 18
Congress! Mam .
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Sep 18
Congrats??? Thanks Deepak.
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• Chandigarh, India
29 Sep 18
@CarolDM you welcome.
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