im new... help?

September 29, 2018 11:52am CST
please help me im new in this website
5 people like this
9 responses
@sw8sincere (5204)
• Philippines
29 Sep 18
you are girl?
• Israel
29 Sep 18
I am =)
• Philippines
29 Sep 18
@razSmo nice, what you do? You are student?
• Israel
29 Sep 18
@sw8sincere im in highschool
1 person likes this
@Ladanger (14581)
• United States
30 Sep 18
Follow people, like statuses & comment :D
@Ladanger (14581)
• United States
30 Sep 18
@kepweng most definitely!!
@dave121495 (1296)
• Philippines
1 Oct 18
What kind of assistance do you need?
• Philippines
30 Sep 18
Read the help section and don't forget to interact. Interaction is the key! Welcome to Mylot!
@debjani1 (7203)
4 Oct 18
Welcome to mylot. Share everything without hesitation. All the people here are truly best friend by nature.
• Philippines
1 Oct 18
Hi there. I'm new as well. Just signed up today. I feel like I'm going to love this site. I am still reading on the different and helpful responses.
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
30 Sep 18
Welcome to myLot, follow the advice of Owl and check the Help section. Something that you will not find, if you want to add a photo, be sure that it's no more than 3MB or it will not upload.
@dya80dya (35542)
29 Sep 18
Welcome here!
• Philippines
29 Sep 18
Welcome to mylot.. i hope youll enjoy here..