gave my dog a bath

October 23, 2018 6:13am CST
yesterday I gave my dog a bath before going to work. I can say that he liked it. by the way he is a labrador chow chow mixed breed. he basically looks like a fat white teddy bear and gets even whiter when washed. after drying him up he kept on wagging his tail and running around our living room. I love my dog, he’s name is Gucci :) Do you also give your pet a bath?
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1 response
@GardenGerty (159024)
• United States
23 Oct 18
He sounds like a beautiful dog. Not all of them like baths, you are lucky.
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• Philippines
25 Oct 18
Yeah he is a big fat white bear! oops I mean dog lol, yeah I think I'm lucky, and he smells like a baby when after his shower. makes me wanna cuddle him all day :) @GardenGerty