I miss eating Pizza

October 25, 2018 9:28am CST
lately I've been craving for some pizza since I haven't eaten one like for a lot of months already because I'm sticking with my diet, I guess tomorrow will be Friday cheat day for me huh? Do you love eating Pizza ? What's your favorite Pizza flavor? Share it:D happy mylotting!
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8 responses
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
25 Oct 18
Not any more.Lost interest in pizza
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• Philippines
25 Oct 18
why my friend? what happened? @amadeo
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
25 Oct 18
@BigMoney25 as one get older like me.You lose your bud taste and that is what happening to me.
@dya80dya (35542)
25 Oct 18
I love eating pizza. A while ago I posted a similar discussion about pizza and it was deleted.
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• Philippines
25 Oct 18
hmmmmm why was it deleted tho? that's weird. @dya80dya
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@dya80dya (35542)
25 Oct 18
@BigMoney25 I know it's weird. Nobody explained why.
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@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
25 Oct 18
Yes I love eating Pizza from different restaurants especially with the all meat and cheezy ones
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
26 Oct 18
I love veggie pizza but I also avoid it for the same reasons :(
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
25 Oct 18
I had one yesterday only and had it after a month or so.
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• Philippines
25 Oct 18
yum yum yum!!!!!!! good for you dear! @shubhu3
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
25 Oct 18
@BigMoney25 Hehe yes
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@ZedSmart (19753)
• Philippines
26 Oct 18
Shakey's have smoked salmon pizza. It's in the commercial and I would like to try that as well. I used with Hawaiian.
• Rupert, Idaho
25 Oct 18
Pizza is good....can always enjoy pizza (unless I just had some lol). Cheat days happen, we are all human. I can't have cheat days, they just turn into cheat weeks....or months
@kayeevana (110)
25 Oct 18
I like vege and beef