What is your favorite comfort food?

October 27, 2018 10:10pm CST
For me usually my comfort food when Im stressed with work and with life my usual comfort foods are steak, pizza, and ice cream. Nothing helps me get back in the mood faster than these foods. How about you what is your comfort food?
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12 responses
@GreatMartin (23674)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
28 Oct 18
Anything edible including those you mentioned plus carrot cake, chocolate, prime ribs, cheeseburgers, shrimp scampi, etc., etc.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
28 Oct 18
Ohhhh prime ribs! Love that too.
@Upallnite (141)
28 Oct 18
Chocolate...I love a Hershey bar
2 people like this
• Philippines
3 Nov 18
Yup that is good! But try some dark chocolates friend, can't go wrong with that. Plus dark chocolates have plenty of antioxidants too! Stay healthy while eating your favorite comfort food :D
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
28 Oct 18
I like "Mami "( Filipinized Chinese noodles)eaten with " siopao " ( Filipinized Chinese dumplings). I also love Chili con carne on top of hot steaming rice and sprinkled with Cheese and hot sauce. Ice cream when the weather is hot.
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@redtesha (1773)
• Indonesia
28 Oct 18
For me nothing can beat coffee and fries. I love these combo hahaha
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• Philippines
3 Nov 18
wow haven't tried that combination yet, that's pretty interesting. Maybe I'll try that soon my friend.
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@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
28 Oct 18
For me it's something spicy!!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
3 Nov 18
what is your favorite spicy dish?
• Rupert, Idaho
28 Oct 18
Probably something with fries....can't resist those when I need comfort food
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• Philippines
3 Nov 18
Could be some nachos or chicken wings? Or Cheeseburger? Man I love fries as well, tastes so satisfying! @MommyOfEli2013
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• Rupert, Idaho
3 Nov 18
@BigMoney25 Probably a cheeseburger. Yes....fries are delicious; but not healthy! lol
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
28 Oct 18
Coffee and cake. Love it.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
28 Oct 18
Ice cream - any day, any time, any season.
@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Oct 18
For me it is something sweet.
@BloggerDi (3113)
• United States
30 Oct 18
Usually a dessert with a cup of coffee. I like most desserts so as long as it's tasty and full of sugar, it will comfort me.
@Rosain (639)
• India
28 Oct 18
Cakes, noodles
@MorrisS (125)
• Rayne, Louisiana
4 Nov 18
I love a good steak. And I'm like the hamburglar when it comes to burgers