How was your Halloween?

November 2, 2018 11:14pm CST
I can say my Halloween was fun at work as the employees there brought their kids to work to have their trick or treat. I was cool and we bagged the candies that were left and took it home to share with other kids. I also had a few drinks with my colleagues after that, nothing special we didn't have halloween costumes at all but I can say it was an amazing night. How about you how was your Halloween?
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4 responses
@anya12adwi (6220)
• India
8 Nov 18
We had no halloween..
• Philippines
4 Nov 18
Cool. nothing, I just stayed at home, watched some halloween movies with my younger sister
• Rupert, Idaho
3 Nov 18
That's great to hear that your Halloween was great! Mine was alright, took my son trick or treating. It was so cold though that we didn't do too much trick or treating.
@leny34 (8506)
• Sidoarjo, Indonesia
3 Nov 18
wow that is indeed an extraordinary day like, happy to enjoy your Halloween day