It has been a WHILE!

United States
December 2, 2018 10:10am CST
I cannot believe I have not been on here since March! When I wasnt working this was one of the first sites I would go too. Much has happened since March. Got a second car, moved into a bigger home, got 2 promotions, and most importantly got married! What an amazing year 2018 has turned out to be! What are some amazing things that have happened to you this year?!
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6 responses
• Northampton, England
13 Dec 18
WE Missed you cutie
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
6 Dec 18
Welcome back, seems we all take breaks and end up coming back, just got back here myself, congrats on all you have done this year.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
2 Dec 18
Welcome back, and congrats on all your achievements! Those are really great!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Dec 18
That's amazing, congrats for all that has been happening in your life! Those are great blessings. =) My family went through being homeless for 7 months BUT God blessed us through it and we now have a beautiful home in a little piece of Heaven in the country! We are so grateful for the trials because the blessings now look even better than they did before!! God is such a good Father. :)
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
2 Dec 18
Lot of things happened there . I am very happy to see you back.. how is your daughter?
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• Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Dec 18
There is no more amazing thing in my life than to love my wife and child. because both of them are hemispheres of my soul
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