Warm weather

@dodo19 (47237)
Beaconsfield, Quebec
June 9, 2019 1:29pm CST
May and the beginning of June was really cool and grey. It wasn't too pleasant to be perfectly honest. It was quite unusual. On Wednesday, things finally changed. It was sunny, and the weather finally warmed up. Now it finally feels like summer. The kids can spend more time playing outside. We can finally leave our windows open. And I don't have to worry to much about having to put on a sweater or jacket in the mornings. I'm really loving it! It's finally here.
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9 responses
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
9 Jun 19
I am glad you are getting some good weather finally. All we seem to have is rain.
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
10 Jun 19
@dodo19 it would be nice. However this time of the yeAr it will likely change for the hot!
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Jun 19
@snowy22315 Sorry to hear that. I hope you're able to stay cool.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Jun 19
I'm glad we had some nice weather too. I hope that the weather changes for you soon.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
17 Jun 19
Is the heat there during summer humid? Here, it is. It's still summer here and the heat is really always making me sweat so much. I always had to use the electric fan in a steady mode and at its strongest, to fan me so I won't sweat.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Jun 19
It depends. Some days can be pretty humid. I'm sorry to hear that it's still pretty hot for you. I hope it cools down for you.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Jun 19
@dodo19 I hope soon, it will be a bit not so humid and hot already.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
10 Jun 19
It is a weird weather here, one day it feels like summer and the day after we are back to Autumn.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Jun 19
Our weather has been fairly odd here too. The weather has been so all over the place. With the exception of the last week or so.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
10 Jun 19
@dodo19 It is a strange weather this year, too warm winter, no rain in April, but rain now.
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@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
13 Jun 19
It took a lot of time to get Ontario warm and I'm like you, Happy its warm but not happy with rain and rain and more rain....
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Jun 19
It took some time for it to get warm here too. I don't mind a day or two of rain, but after a while, I need some sun.
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• Canada
19 Jun 19
@dodo19 I enjoyed the sun today and the weather says tomorrow is rain...It might be a bad year. Hearing how many in the US have been washed away from their homes, I'm thinking life in Canada is great .And its still going on in the US. Actually in Niagara Falls they won't let anyone on the boats near the falls because of the the amount of water that is going over the cliffs.. - the Canada side of the falls don't have boats, the US side does - but not right now...
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
18 Jun 19
It took a long time to arrive this year, but so glad you are getting nicer weather.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 Jun 19
It really did take a long time. Too long. But at least it is here now.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
20 Jun 19
@DianneN I certainly will! I'm not complaining. I plan on enjoying it as much as I can.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
20 Jun 19
@dodo19 Enjoy it until it gets cold again!
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
18 Jun 19
I'm glad summer showed up and you can enjoy being outside.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 Jun 19
So am I. It's nice we can spend more time outside.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
19 Jun 19
@dodo19 Yes, it is.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
9 Jun 19
Yaya for sunny days! It was really really rainy in May here as well (east coast of Canada) and into first week of June. Kinda wondering how our local farmers are faring with the over abundance of rain. Our lakes and rivers are pretty high, but should be down later this week as my husband goes fishing.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Jun 19
I'm in Montreal, and we've been having the same kind of weather as you, it seems. We had a flood here recently. We needed a few days of sun and warm weather.
@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
19 Jun 19
It's summer time in your country and despite having a climate like this, it's still comfortable. Unlike in Ph , it's extremely hot
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 Jun 19
Yes, I can imagine that it is more comfortable than where you are.
@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
9 Jun 19
And we finally got the sun.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Jun 19
I'm glad to hear that you finally got some sun.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
10 Jun 19
@dodo19 Yes, it's raining for a long time.
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