What do you find physically attractive on the opposite sex?

September 14, 2019 12:06pm CST
For me I think I find women that are chubby attractive. Not sure why but it has always been that way since I start having crushes on girls. Also women who are simple looks more attractive to me. Also, I kinda find women with toned legs attractive. How about you? What do you find attractive on the opposite se
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5 responses
@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
15 Sep 19
As a woman I am attracted mostly to sense of good humor and compassionate heart. Looks generally don't matter if personality is great
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
14 Sep 19
for some weird reason, even when I was young I was always attracted to women much younger than me and vice versa that's why I ended up marrying somebody much younger.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
14 Sep 19
I like men with a little meat on their bones too!
@porwest (81633)
• United States
14 Sep 19
I actually am very fond of chubby women as well. I will say that I am mostly attracted to personality. BUT, I do like certain anatomical parts as well of course.
@banksim (5205)
14 Sep 19
Maintain body and healthy body