My babies!

United States
September 16, 2019 1:12pm CST
Children are the best gifts you could ever recieve. My newborn son turned 1 month old today. My daughter is two. Life is full of excitement with these two young ones. It is definitely important to soak in all the time spent with your kids because time goes fast!
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7 responses
@stringer321 (5643)
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
16 Sep 19
Your kids look beautiful, full of joy for life. I'm sure @LovingMyBabies will like this discussion, she is an awesom mom, maybe she can share some tips and experience :-) As an uncle, I know how cute kids are, I play with them, read them stories, teach them things and skills.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Sep 19
@stringer321 Aw, thank you so much for such kind words! =)
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
16 Sep 19
Yes kids are blessing...they are little angels.
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@pumpkinjam (8634)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 19
Time certainly does go fast. I think, no matter how much time you spend with your children, it never feels like enough. I say that as my youngest son is 14; my older son is 19 and just left for his second year of university, having picked up keys for his first home (he lived in halls last year); and I have two step-daughters in their 20s, one of whom has blessed us with 3 granddaughters - the eldest granddaughter has just started school. We don't see them often but I can't wait to make the most of our time with them when they next visit. Your little girl looks so happy to be a big sister.
• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Sep 19
Your babies are so adorable!! They are so precious. =) Little blessings from God.
@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
16 Sep 19
Beautiful that God bless you, and without being the most precious and beautiful that one can have are a true blessing.
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@cool83 (4467)
• Sri Lanka
4 Oct 19
Your kids are very beautiful
@BloggerDi (3113)
• United States
16 Sep 19
What beautiful children you've been blessed with! You're so right about time. I have adult kids and sometimes I can't believe that the years have passed so quickly!