My 2020 Goals.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.
@tammys85 (29984)
Baltimore, Maryland
December 29, 2019 11:47pm CST
Okay, so this is another post inspired by my friend @skydream. I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I do make New Year's Goals to work towards. And if I don't achieve them? Then I move them to the next year. You gotta keep trying until you get it right. ;) So, here are a few of my goals for 2020..... 1. I want to practice more self-care, which is a goal I set for 2019, and didn't do it as much as I should've. Not just eating, sleeping and exercising better, but not surrounding myself with anything that could put a damper on my mood, but still avoidable (i.e., drama on my social media timelines, when I can easily hide those posts and never look back). 2. Improve my time management, which has also been a bit of a struggle for me. I'd love to finish my work at a decent time and have the evenings to myself, rather than stress myself out or hit the wall with my writing because I was procrastinating. 3. Social media breaks. I need more breaks from it, whether it's once a week or several times (at random) throughout each month. Just take a day to step back, focus on other things and breathe. It gets to be a lot because of so many different personalities in one space, so to speak. I think this could go into the "self-care" category, as it's a form of alone time. 4. Continue to grow as a freelance writer, which is another reason to fix my time management. I'd like to work harder (without burning out), earn more and take on enjoyable projects. One thing I learned in 2019 is when to say "no" to certain projects - quality over quantity. 5. Add to my NKOTB funds. I know, I know, it's not as important as the previous goals, but there's nothing wrong with setting a goal for fun. I doubt I'll meet any of them this year, and the group most likely won't tour again until at least 2021, but I'd like to be prepared for whatever solo or group projects come up. I have priorities over concert funds, so I need to work on my time management (for both work and survey websites) and continuing to grow as a freelance writer to make this happen. And those are a few of my goals for 2020. Will I achieve them? Who knows. But I know for that to happen, I need to try harder than I did this year. Whatever goals you all have, big or small, serious or fun, I hope you're able to reach them in 2020! I'm going to make this my last post of the night. G'night, or good morning, and take care! :) Photo Credit: Pixabay.
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10 responses
@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
29 Jan 20
@tammys85 Good idea to make goals. Also good idea to move them to each New Year if you do not succeed in one year.
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
3 Feb 20
Thank you! The way I see it is this - if I come up short, I can just keep trying into the new year.
@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
7 Feb 20
@Hannihar Thanks!
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@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
3 Feb 20
@tammys85 Makes perfect sense to me.
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@just4him (311401)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
31 Dec 19
Those are good goals. Happy New Year!
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Jan 20
Thank you so much! Happy New Year! :)
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
2 Jan 20
@just4him You're welcome! :)
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@just4him (311401)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Jan 20
@tammys85 Thank you. I'm about finished here.
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@msdivkar (23359)
• India
30 Dec 19
Setting new year goals much better than making some resolutions which you can not fulfill. As you rightly pointed out you can push your goals to next year. As far as I am concerned, there are no resolutions, no goals take the life as it comes.
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
30 Dec 19
I think some people consider goals and resolutions the same thing, I just prefer to think of them as goals, so I don't beat myself up later. There's nothing wrong with not setting any at all, as you never know what the year is going to bring.
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@msdivkar (23359)
• India
30 Dec 19
@tammys85 You are right. Whether goals or resolutions both are subject to self assessment so nothing wrong in having either of them. It could be fun seeing how much you achieve.
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Jan 20
@msdivkar Right, and if you don't achieve them, there's always next year. :)
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@Courtlynn (66971)
• United States
4 Jan 20
I'm sure you'll achieve more than half of them
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
4 Jan 20
Aw, thank you so much! I guess we'll see, but I'm definitely going to try.
@skydream (1445)
• Agate, Colorado
2 Jan 20
I'm glad you wrote them down i keep hearing it helps to share them as like accountablility so hopefully thats an actual thing lol. But I saw on twitter how you weren't going to charge your tablet to make sure you arent on it when youre supposed to be sleeping so i think youre off to a good start for it. I also like some of these like the social media breaks so i might take some of your goals for myself lol
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
2 Jan 20
Thank you so much! I'm also planning to write down (in my actual journal) everything I need to change/fix, and solutions to each one, I just haven't gotten to it yet. Yep, it's at 30% or so, so even if I do use it, it wouldn't be for long. It's in a basket on the table though, and that's where it's staying because I need to get some sleep. Thank you so much! Yeah, if it's not the constant drama and fighting on Twitter, it's the sad posts on Facebook, so I need to start taking breaks to kind of recharge from all of it, as well as hide/mute post and people as needed.
• Rupert, Idaho
31 Dec 19
I think those sound like great goals, and hope you can succeed in them all :) I wrote about mine ( I think I used the same picture from Pixabay lol) but it is all health goals.
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Jan 20
Thank you so much! I'll check yours out!
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
2 Jan 20
@MommyOfEli2013 You're welcome! :)
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• Rupert, Idaho
1 Jan 20
@tammys85 My pleasure :) Anytime! And I saw that you did, so thank you too!
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@shaggin (71704)
• United States
31 Dec 19
Self care is important so that's a great goal you set!
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Jan 20
Thank you so much! I need to make a bigger effort this time around!
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
31 Dec 19
All of these are good. What the heck is a NKOTB fund? New Kids?
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
31 Dec 19
Thanks! Yes, my favorite band. I have money set aside for their events, but I haven't added to it in several weeks because other things held priority. Looking to pick it back up in the New Year.
@yoalldudes (35040)
• Philippines
30 Dec 19
Good luck on your writing efforts. I know you are already good and getting better and better. I also like that you set goal for fun.
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Jan 20
Thank you so much! And yep, you gotta have some fun. :)
• India
30 Dec 19
Wish u best of luck with ur goals dear
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@tammys85 (29984)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Jan 20
Thank you so much! :)
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