Mylot is a safe site... Classified Mission

@Mavic123456 (21893)
January 25, 2020 6:36am CST
Hello, my sweet winter children. As you know I had been away from the site for a long time. The earning is so little, only pennies, but I don't complain. I had been away here for a long time because I was on a training to be one of the officers in the Space Force. Next month, I will be on a mission to see what's there in the Blackhole. It will be my first highly and confidential mission. No one should know. This is just between you and me. Anyway, I am assured and confident that the money I earned here from my witty responses and comments will never be erased. I can leave temporarily from the site for days, weeks, months or even years and when I come back the 2$ I earned will still be there. Ha! that's mylot.
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18 responses
• Agra, India
25 Jan 20
Don't worry. Mylot will.always keep all you earnings safe
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Jan 20
Yes, no doubt. Tried and tested. thanks Mylot.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Jan 20
@amitkokiladitya mine too, I was surprised when I returned after 2 or 3 years I think and it was still there.
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• Agra, India
25 Jan 20
@Mavic123456 yes It held my earnings for full one year
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@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
25 Jan 20
Your post confused me. You sound serious, but it seems you are teasing.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Jan 20
yes, this is serious, don't be confused. mylot will not take your earning, even if you will be absent for awhile. thanks to mylot.
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@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
25 Jan 20
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
26 Jan 20
@yoalldudes I’m assuming you mean confused if this mission is real not about the earnings correct?
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
25 Jan 20
Mylot will be right here when you get back.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
25 Jan 20
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Jan 20
i know... i am very confident that it will be. I hope my secret is safe with you.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Jan 20
@MGjhaud oh nooo... just keep quiet. and don't tell anyone.
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
26 Jan 20
Hmm I thought if we are inactive long enough or earnings decrease.
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
27 Jan 20
@Mavic123456 I looked through the FAQ and it doesn't say anything about it so I must be wrong.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
27 Jan 20
@shaggin yes, it is not there but based on my experience.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
27 Jan 20
Fortunately I did not experience this.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
25 Jan 20
Good luck in the black hole. I prefer holidays in the Caribbean
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
25 Jan 20
@Mavic123456 I am retired and I try to go one or two weeks to the Caribbean each year.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
26 Jan 20
@marguicha retired from being an astronaut? Wow! you must be the person in the picture hanging on the chief’s wall.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Jan 20
Thanks ... I also prefer Caribbean if only I have a mission there.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
25 Jan 20
In the past the earnings in your balance were removed after 3 months of inactivity. Maybe eaten by a blackhole. I wish you good luck for your secret space mission captain oh my captain.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
27 Jan 20
@Mavic123456 That's not very reassuring if your comments are also eaten by a blackhole. I will stay at home, thank you.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
30 Jan 20
@topffer you will be safe no problem You will be good. Promise I will always be your captain. you're safe.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
27 Jan 20
Sorry I didn't understand why my comment here was not posted. Anyway, I had not experienced this when I went away several times, one time years, one time months. I just lose my notifications. Thanks. we are still recruiting would you care to join us.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
25 Jan 20
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
31 Jan 20
Sorry too late answer, I don't know why I miss this. Thanks Godspeed.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
4 Feb 20
@Mavic123456 No worry. I am also tardy in my mylot responses.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
6 Feb 20
@eileenleyva yeah sometimes we just missed some. thanks for understanding.
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@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
10 Feb 20
Wow space mission that is big time
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@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
12 Feb 20
@Mavic123456 No I'm quite scared
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
13 Feb 20
@averygirl72 it's fun believe me. look at my selfie.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
12 Feb 20
we are still recruiting. Insterested?
@deazil (4730)
• United States
28 Jan 20
I see you're up to your old tricks again. I wonder what you'll think up next. Oh wait....I read it down below - you're going to check the nighttime temperature of the sun. I'm still working on a reply to you, it should get done sooner or later. But I thought I'd stop in here and let you know I'm still alive. About Mylot - it's always a good place to drop in, it's kind of like going home again. Even after all these years and all the changes in the world I still come back here once in a while. And yes, our money is always safe.
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
3 Feb 20
@Mavic123456 LOL Do you think I remember that far back? hahaha I have no idea how much in total I made. I come by sometimes and look around. But there are times that I seldom have much to say. I hope old age isn't turning me speechless.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
6 Feb 20
@deazil haha. that's good, more ideas coming in. I am sure you can reach 5$ by 2024. little by little. Anyway, I lost my "funny" writing skills. hu hu hu. I can't make people laugh anymore. hu hu hu
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
30 Jan 20
hahaha so how much did you earn now from the time you joined mylot? I just came back actually.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
13 Feb 20
@Mavic123456 That is a great honor. Thanks for letting us in on your mission. That is nice that when you come back your money is still there waiting for you to make more earnings.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
17 Feb 20
yes, I know that this is a safe site so I know my secret is safe is here as well. The money I am going to earn here is for my space capsule room. it is difficult to share room with other astros. tsk
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
17 Feb 20
@Hannihar i know. no secrets have been revealed here.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
17 Feb 20
@Mavic123456 How do you know it is a safe site?
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• Sonora, California
25 Jan 20
Wish you the best with your mission! I had to miss sometime due to family issues last year, and my earnings remained safe!
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
26 Jan 20
Thanks. You are here now so does it mean you have solved the family issues.
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@leny34 (8506)
• Sidoarjo, Indonesia
28 Jan 20
I haven't been on mylot for almost a year, and now I come back to be here. I have never complained about this income
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
31 Jan 20
@leny34 then this is like a piggy bank.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
30 Jan 20
oh yeah me too, just come and go and back and go again. just like that. haha
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@leny34 (8506)
• Sidoarjo, Indonesia
30 Jan 20
@Mavic123456 yeah like that ... hhhh
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@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
31 Jan 20
I'm sure that none of the 350 million people on myLot will breathe a word about your secret mission
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
6 Feb 20
yeah that's why I told you this is a safe site. thanks for paying attention and seeing my point. phew!!!
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
10 Feb 20
@ScotMac is ThaIS SYmbol EAch...OF- SErious Remembrance yOU Can decode also. Can you? ME Loves BORing Plans.
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@ScotMac (1335)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
10 Feb 20
@Mavic123456 Nope - haven't a clue
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@KityCat (7599)
• India
25 Jan 20
Yes that's absolutely correct. And best of luck for your mission.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
26 Jan 20
Thanks... do you like me to bring you some moon rock?
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
26 Jan 20
@KityCat rest assured you will get yours, with free radio active. so get ready with your headset.
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@KityCat (7599)
• India
26 Jan 20
@Mavic123456 sure. That will be great.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
1 Feb 20
myLot is here to be our common grounds . We can always come here whenever we have time from our rela lives.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
6 Feb 20
so true. good thing that there is a fall back here just like that.
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Jan 20
It's a nice place to spend time and the earnings really aren't very important.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Jan 20
of course, that's why I keep on coming back after a long absence. Happy New Year, by the way.
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Jan 20
@Mavic123456 Thank you.
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@happylife1 (13404)
• Karachi, Pakistan
24 Feb 20
Yes mylot is soo safe
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Feb 20
so safe and even the secrets are.
@happylife1 (13404)
• Karachi, Pakistan
24 Feb 20
Yes it really safe and straightforward