When Will the Curve Flatten?

@acelawrites (19272)
May 6, 2020 5:58pm CST
With almost two months in enhance community quarantine (ECQ), it makes me wonder when will this pandemic end? The declaration of the Department of Health that the curve will flatten soon is quite questionable considering that they only make mass testings just recently; so the stats will always go up. How can that curve be flattened soon? How long will this ECQ take in effect? And we just wish it will end soon; when nobody gets infected with that virus!
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14 responses
@snowy22315 (174692)
• United States
6 May 20
I don't know. It is discouraging because when it flattens in one place it rises in another. Our state is showing more cases, but I think it is mostly because more testing is being done.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
7 May 20
Yes, when there's massive testing, new cases will add up to stats. But it is good to be done so as to easily flatten the curve; here it is a lamentable one!
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@Janet357 (75651)
6 May 20
I wish I could answer. and I don't think if they keep on extending, the government can afford it.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
7 May 20
The government (ours) should had been proactive!
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
7 May 20
The curve keeps going up and down and up again.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
9 May 20
@acelawrites Aggravating, too.
@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
9 May 20
It is so saddening!
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@JudyEv (332012)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 May 20
Sometimes I think the governments are just trying to be encouraging. However, our numbers are well down at the moment.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
7 May 20
So sad about the situation here; although the local governments are doing their best to remedy the situation.
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@franxav (13717)
• India
6 May 20
Really disappointing for us too in West Bengal State of India. Just when I thought it is under control, it is showing a spike.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
7 May 20
It is discouraging to open up soon; there could be the so-called second wave; so people should be more cautious if lockdowns are lifted.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
6 May 20
Nobody knows. A day at a time is all we can do. And hope for a better tomorrow.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
7 May 20
We are all wishing this will end so soon!
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
8 May 20
In some places it may decrease but there are still increases in some areas.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
9 May 20
We hope it will end soon!
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@jstory07 (135933)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 May 20
I hope this whole mess will be over soon.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
9 May 20
We hope so, it will end soon!
@PatZAnthony (14752)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
8 May 20
We would all like it to end, but as to when it will, I'm not so sure anyone has the real answer. It is really hard on everyone.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
9 May 20
Yes, very hard for all of us; we are all affected.
@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
8 May 20
We donĀ“t know when will it stop. I just wish we have a normal Christmas this year.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
9 May 20
Maybe it's different this year! So sad!
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
9 May 20
@acelawrites We will just hope for the best.
• Agra, India
7 May 20
God knows when and how will things start to improve. It is so very tough at present
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
9 May 20
Indeed, so saddening
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• Agra, India
9 May 20
@acelawrites yes. . There isn't anything that is going down
• Laguna, Philippines
8 May 20
When everyone becomes responsible enough to abide by the rules set by the people in charge. I mean as simple as social distancing, people fail to do.
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
9 May 20
When people worry or do not have food to eat, it's hard to keep them locked in their homes; but others are just too hard-headed to follow the rules!
@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
18 May 20
It is very hard to say (and predict). Just wish all the best for all
@Lavanya15 (12888)
• Chennai, India
18 May 20
I think until finding the medicine for it It not possible to control..