
@Babale (1869)
Semarang, Indonesia
June 13, 2020 6:54am CST
Love is a very universal thing in the world. Therefore humans are born, grow and come back to know love. No matter men or women, rich or poor, children and adults must have felt it. It comes suddenly, it goes that way. Nobody can dodge it. The difference is there are some people who are lucky to get it, but many are unrequited. Maybe because love is blind. But the effects of excessive love can cause hatred and even war. There is only one love that has never changed long ago, God's love for his creatures in the world. How about your love?
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8 responses
• Caracas, Venezuela
13 Jun 20
Love is the food of the heart and mind, that's why they say that loneliness is not a good companion, it is very important since we are babies.
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@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
18 Jun 20
But do you believe that love can also destroy human lives?
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• Caracas, Venezuela
18 Jun 20
@Babale No, don't think so. The love builds, just that, If it doesn't, it's not love then.
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@Adie04 (17360)
14 Jun 20
Love should be unconditional towards all.
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@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
15 Jun 20
Correct. And everyone's love experience is different.
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
13 Jun 20
I love my kids unconditionally.
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@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
13 Jun 20
I believe that, hopefully this can last until they grow up. Because that's when your love for them can change, especially when they start to get new love from their lovers and begin to slowly forget you.
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@Janet357 (75651)
13 Jun 20
I have learned that love is patient and forgiving.
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@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
13 Jun 20
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@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
18 Jun 20
Love in invisible but can be felt
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@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
18 Jun 20
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@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
18 Jun 20
Can you feel when someone loves you?
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@Kamamu (18)
• Nairobi, Kenya
13 Jun 20
I have learned that love is more than I used to think about.
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@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
14 Jun 20
It is true
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@bird123 (10632)
• United States
22 Jul 20
It is not excessive love that causes hatred and war. Unconditional Love always does what is best for the other.
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@innertalks (21474)
• Australia
16 Jun 20
Love means many things to different people. I usually talk about spiritual love, but when I do not qualify the type of love that I am talking about, some people will not understand me. They will often think that I am just talking about human love, which is usually just based around mostly emotion, rather than spiritual love, which is a higher type of love, without emotion, but with neverending unconditionalness, and which is so much higher than a physical-based love alone. What is love? Love is the ribbon on God's cake of life. Undo this ribbon, and find life complete, as the gift it is to you from God. That is God's love for you. Life comes gift-wrapped, with his love, always attached.
@innertalks (21474)
• Australia
18 Jun 20
@Babale Yes, but I think that is the purpose of our lives here. To gain a greater understanding of love, and how to love, and to acquire a certain wisdom about it too.
@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
18 Jun 20
I agree, but there are very few people who can understand that kind of love.
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