What do you do with dry scalp or dandruff?

July 2, 2020 7:09am CST
Hello Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to you all my dear mylotters I have this problem long time now. I already change my shampoo to sensitive and put conditioner for 5 minutes but still this scalp problem still there Can you help me out? What do you do with dry scalp or dandruff? I hope you can share with me here Have a great day and Happy mylotting Photo: google
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15 responses
@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
2 Jul 20
There are specific shampoos to use to fight dandruff. You should consume more food containing zinc, and Vitamin B. Eat nuts and red meat for Zinc, for Vitamin B eggs, cheese, dark leafy vegetable, whole grains.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
Thank you so much. I will check it out.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
2 Jul 20
@sharon6345 Dandruff can be caused by several problems, too dry skin, some health conditions, not brushing the hair enough, but if there is nothing wrong it comes from the way we eat.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
2 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 I see from your cooking posts that you consume soy sauce very often, soy sauce prevents the absorption of the Zinc into your body.
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
2 Jul 20
Anna has good advice. When I have that when I was in Pinas, I was using coconut milk and calamansi juice as a conditioner and it helped. I donĀ“t have dandruff here in Germany, maybe because of the weather,
3 people like this
• Germany
2 Jul 20
I don`t have dandruff in the Philippines only here in Germany. I will try what Anna said. Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
2 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 I see. Good luck of getting rid of it.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
@thelme55 I really do hope so
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
2 Jul 20
Just massage the scalp with coconut oil or virgin coconut oil.
2 people like this
• Germany
2 Jul 20
That sounds good and easy to do. I will try that next time if I can find a coconut oil around here Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
6 Jul 20
There are shampoos here that help with dandruff. Do you have anything like that there?
1 person likes this
• Germany
6 Jul 20
I found one and I`m trying it out now. It helps somehow Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
10 Jul 20
@simone10 I think it works. I don`t have too much white flakes now.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
8 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 I hope it works for you
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
2 Jul 20
I don't have that problem, but noticed special shampoos in the pharmacy that may help. I hope you can find them in your country or online.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
I will try to look. Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
@DianneN Thank you
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
2 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 I'm sure you can find something that works. Good luck.
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@rhuenz (10645)
2 Jul 20
If you have troubles due to having dandruff, Please try to put fresh aloevera gel and coconut oil on the inner part of your hair,i mean reached the hair roots.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
I don`t know where to find fresh aloevera around here Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
@rhuenz Ok. I will try to look at the internet. Thank you
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@rhuenz (10645)
2 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 always welcome. Try coconut oil if aloevera is not available
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@coolchai (753)
• Philippines
7 Jul 20
i think you should buy a shampoo that is made for Asians, not too sure about this but because some shampoo formula are very strong. miss you sis!
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• Germany
10 Jul 20
I tried to buy the shampoo without silicon content and it works Miss you too Ate so much Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
2 Jul 20
I don't have dry scalp, but like Anna said there are shampoos and conditioners for that..
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
Thank you so much. I will check on that Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
@gr8nana6 I hope so too
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
2 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 No problem I hope you will find a good shampoo to help.You have a great day also
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@JESSY3236 (19390)
• United States
2 Jul 20
I used to have dandruff bad and my mother git me some shampoo stuff that is nasty. It's basically tar. But it did work. I think it was called T Gel.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
I will see if I can find that online Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
2 Jul 20
Here we use head and shoulder shampoo which work well for me. There are some videos i seen that they add two three oil mixed then make it hot then use it and wash hair.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
Oh ok. I will check it out. Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
4 Jul 20
a very mild shampoo and virgin coconut oil can lubricate the drying scalp. also when it is so hot during summer, the scalp produces extra sebum (oil) or the glands in our scalp are hyperactive.
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
Oh ok. I will check that out Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
30 Jul 20
Try mix any carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil with rosemary essential oil. It should relieve this problem significantly
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• Germany
30 Jul 20
Ok. I will try that Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@Janet357 (75651)
2 Jul 20
I used another brand of shampoo. I use.lemon something and rub it on my scalp.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
May I know the brand of the shampoo? How are you? Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
@Adie04 (17360)
2 Jul 20
Lucky I have no dandruff. Dry scalp? Bald, mom always said to apply coconut oil.. Let's see.... Dandruff... Oh gosh I don't remember how I treat my dandruff. But been like umm.... 20 years already I don't have dandruff.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
You`re so lucky for not having this kind of problem Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
• Germany
2 Jul 20
I used to have these problems as well until I stopped using shampoo with silicones. I am using silicone free shampoos for over 10 years and the problems disappeared after a few weeks.
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• Germany
2 Jul 20
Oh ok. I will check a shampoo without silicone. Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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