their insults and insults

@youfiq (2572)
United States
November 23, 2020 6:56am CST
in high school I was bullied by classmates, because I was too diligent in class. when I came in the morning to class they said "hey look a monkey has come" they insulted me physically. and some days they also say while shouting, "look at this child's shoes, they are ugly" This is precisely what makes me want to be successful and be more resilient in life
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7 responses
@jdbces (1847)
• Philippines
23 Nov 20
Sorry to hear about what you had gone through. Time heals as they say. It's easy to say that but every person has different ways and pace to move on. I hope that one day you won't feel the need to prove them anything. I hope you'll feel the happiness that you deserve which doesn't require yourself to prove anything to anyone.
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@jdbces (1847)
• Philippines
23 Nov 20
@youfiq Forgiveness as they say is freeing yourself from the heavy burden in your heart. You will really thank yourself for that and you are a strong person to forgive.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
23 Nov 20
Your spirit really made me aware, yes I will learn not to have to prove anything to them, I don't want to live as a hater, I forgive them from the bottom of my heart
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
23 Nov 20
@jdbces from now on I will learn not to be disappointed, good people are present to provide comfort, bad people give patience and at least good and bad people who are present in my life will give experience
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
24 Nov 20
@youfiq Bullies are very very horrible and should not be able to say anything about anyone else. There needs to be someone to make sure they do not get away with what they say to people or treat people.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
26 Nov 20
@youfiq When do you think they will improve because so far the bullies are still winning.
@youfiq (2572)
• United States
26 Nov 20
I think the rules on humanity will be improved so that not everyone feels entitled to oppress others who are weaker than him
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@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
23 Nov 20
I wish all children were kind and thoughtful to you. It is sad they said bad things about your shoes and said you were like a monkey. Thankfully you have become more resilient in life. I had a few bullies in year 6 at primary school. They would push me around. I was so pleased to go to secondary school where I was treated better.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
23 Nov 20
because I was bullied when I was in high school, I wanted to graduate immediately and didn't want to meet them anymore, and now I have entered university and here, on my campus, I am the head of the force leading seventy people with different ideas, I lead and organize them during their lectures on campus
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@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
24 Nov 20
@youfiq I am delighted that you have left those bullies and now have a very happy and successful time at the university. It must be lovely to lead 70 people with fantastic ideas.
@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
23 Nov 20
I don't experience it that way. Most likely due to I accidentally punch someone during my first year after he called me names. Both of us had to go to the principal office after that. But due to that, they always view me as someone with anger issue. Well, not a problem to me.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
23 Nov 20
oo i see
@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
23 Nov 20
Sorry about the bullying. That is rough. I wish you well. Welcome to the community!
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
26 Nov 20
@youfiq (2572)
• United States
26 Nov 20
thanks a lot
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• India
23 Nov 20
The system is designed that way
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• India
24 Nov 20
@youfiq then the police jails them
@youfiq (2572)
• United States
23 Nov 20
many people are oppressed with a system like this, even they have violated the rules of humanity
@NoorNoor (2131)
• India
23 Nov 20
Sorry to hear that.I think most of us experienced this at some point.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
23 Nov 20
yes, all have experienced it, we must be able to forgive them