get prizes from college seniors

@youfiq (2572)
United States
November 24, 2020 3:18am CST
Some time ago, my seniors went on a student exchange to Japan, to be precise to the university of ibaraki, the cost is borne by the campus and can get a few yen pocket money, he was there for 40 days, and when he returned to the homeland, he gave me a pair of wooden chopsticks it's straight from japan, what a surprise for me! I never even asked for it, but I rarely use chopsticks, have to use them often how was your experience eating using chopsticks? what about you, do you often get souvenirs from your friends or family who are abroad?
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11 responses
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
24 Nov 20
Hello! Welcome to myLot. Enjoy the site! Although it's not obligatory, it would be a good idea to add the name of your country to your account page to make your posts more understandable.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
24 Nov 20
oh yes, thanks for reminding
@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
24 Nov 20
Welcome to this wonderful community. I stayed in Tokyo for few months and tried chopsticks but could not get it well. My elder daughter is a pro at it and we have few pairs here that she uses regularly. So thoughtful of your friend
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
24 Nov 20
@youfiq I have given up on it. Perhaps crossed the age to learn and master challenging things
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
24 Nov 20
wow you've been in tokyo a few months Right, to use chopsticks we need daily financing, I think I'll need help from your eldest daughter later lol. Have a nice day
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
@arunima25 what else can we do lol
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
24 Nov 20
that is nice.
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
26 Nov 20
@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
thanks a lot
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@Fa_Maverick (9479)
• Australia
25 Nov 20
As a kid we ate a lot of Asian food so I had no issue with eating with chopsticks. I would get teased because I would use them a lot and rarely used a knife and fork
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• Australia
26 Nov 20
@youfiq Plus chopsticks make very good presents
@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
oh yes of course, sometimes on certain occasions we use knives and forks and at other occasions we use chopsticks
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@Cheyee (8362)
• Pakanbaru, Indonesia
24 Nov 20
You must be close with this senior. I know how to use it, but I am not good. I don't have any family or friends who go abroad. But it must be nice
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@Cheyee (8362)
• Pakanbaru, Indonesia
26 Nov 20
@youfiq you are welcome
@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
thanks a lot
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@jdbces (1847)
• Philippines
24 Nov 20
I usually have a hard time using one. I, too, often get souvenirs from friends or family. It is usually something tiny, shirt, or food.
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@jdbces (1847)
• Philippines
26 Nov 20
@youfiq I also like giving the same kinds, especially when I was still an office worker. I find happiness in giving a little something to my colleagues after a short vacation.
@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
many variations of the gifts that you receive, it's nice to hear that
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@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 20
I really like that he went to Japan for 40 days and gave you a pair of chop sticks. We went to Japan and found it to be very expensive. We began in a traditional hotel in Osaka. It had a floor with mats on. I opened a cupboard and set out our bedding which was at ground level. We went to Kyoto and stayed in another traditional hotel. I usually get the souvenirs on my own. I have a collection of costume dolls and fridge magnets of the places I have traveled to.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
wow, do you have a collection of fridge magnets? this is like a collection belonging to my lecturer on campus, he has traveled around many countries and collected fridge magnets and a collection letter that symbolizes that he was invited to various countries, he posted his collection in his private office on campus, I've seen it
@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
24 Nov 20
I know how to use them and I have a few pairs at home. It's quite easy to use. Whenever my friend went traveling, she would always buy fridge magnets for me. I prefer than more than anything else.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
Fridge magnets are also a collection of my lecturers' favorite when traveling abroad
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@ckciasigurl (2081)
• Italy
24 Nov 20
hello i like eating using chopsticks but im not an expert usually when we eat sushi were using chopsticks. my friends usually give some souvenirs if they go to abroad they usually bring me some ref magnets because im collecting it
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
magnet collection huh? This is great, my lecturer who likes traveling around the world also collects a lot of fridge magnets
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
24 Nov 20
I know how to use them. I am planning to have them soon.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
I hope you get your chopsticks soon and can use them soon
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
26 Nov 20
@youfiq In time, I will.
• India
24 Nov 20
Chopstick sounds like a good gift
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
25 Nov 20
yes I think so, I'm excited to receive the prize
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