Favorite part of christmas?

United States
December 6, 2020 12:13pm CST
What is your favorite part of the holidays? I think my favorite part of the holidays is all the decorations and them baking and spending time with family....It's been a stressful year and I am still trying to find joy in these things but it is a little harder... How do your holidays compare this year to other years?
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4 responses
@dgobucks226 (34855)
6 Dec 20
Eating the Christmas cookies I receive I enjoy the decorations and Christmas music...
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@FourWalls (64226)
• United States
6 Dec 20
My favorite part is December 26.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
6 Dec 20
The best Christmas were from my childhood when my family was all together
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@sophie09 (34243)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 20
i dont celebrate christmas but my favorite part of this month is that i visit my friends who do celebrate it. i respect them so i make time to visit them