I'm Kinda Weird

March 12, 2021 8:44pm CST
Through 17 years I lived, I have many types of food that I hated it, I thought it's more than the list of my favorite foods, for food Im such a picky person, if I look at a food and it contains ingredients that I hated, I definitely won't ever tried it. It's not uncommon for some of my friends to say that I'm weird, they say I should try to eat it once, but I can't, if I forced to eat something I don't like I will vomit. Geez how bad my tongue tolerates! Do you have the same problems as me? or do you have friends who are similar to me? Do you guys also think I'm weird? By the way, what is your hated food? Credit pic : Google
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13 responses
• Medan, Indonesia
13 Mar 21
I almost like all kinds of food (except those that taste strange & harm health).
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• Indonesia
13 Mar 21
All kinds? Wow thats cool!
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@kaylachan (60247)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Mar 21
That's actually quite normal for some people. I used to be that way. If I didn't like the sound of a food, then I wouldn't eat it. I used to get the same line, 'you don't know until you try it'. But, I never resorted to vomiting. My most hated food: eggs. I'll bake or cook with them, but won't eat them.
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• Indonesia
13 Mar 21
yes yes, I'm still quite normal, now I think there is a lot of people who look like me Eggs are one of my favorite food
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@pumpkinjam (8583)
• United Kingdom
13 Mar 21
That does seem quite extreme. I understand not wanting to have things you don't like or even not having something with a certain ingredient. But there are some things that are completely different when in different foods. Just as an example, if you don't like fish then you wouldn't want to try something where that is an ingredient but if you don't like whole raw tomatoes, that shouldn't stop you trying tomato soup. I will eat most foods, and will usually encourage people to try things. My youngest son can be a little fussy but he will try things. If he's tried something a couple of times/in different dishes/cooked different ways and genuinely doesn't like something then I won't make him have it. If he's decided he won't eat something he likes after discovering it contains something he doesn't like, I will expect him to eat it. There are foods I don't like but I'll still eat most of them. I don't like avocado - and I won't eat that one. Don't like onions (which I will sometimes eat, although it wasn't nice when my ex cooked and added so much that it just made things taste of onion). Can't think of a lot else I don't like. I don't think you're weird for not trying things. Fussy, maybe, but not weird. What I find weird is people who turn their nose up at things when they have never tried it at all, sometimes not even knowing what it is before deciding not to like it. There used to be other foods I didn't like. With some of them, it turned out I did like the foods but just didn't like the way other people had cooked them for me.
• United Kingdom
14 Mar 21
@nadiaausftr I'm psychic Or possibly that it's quite common and I have a lot of experience with fussy people.
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• Indonesia
14 Mar 21
Yes, probably im not weird but fussy, you are absolutely right, everything that contains food that I do not like so I do not eat it. but there are ingredients that I don't like but mixed with other foods so I'm willing to eat them. How would you know this so detail?, I'm impressed Thank you!
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@Shavkat (137310)
• Philippines
13 Mar 21
I used to be picky with the local dishes here. If I do not know how it was being prepared, I will be a picky one.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
13 Mar 21
Yes, I think you're weird. Maybe it's your parents' fault who've spoilt you too much and now you're tyrannising your family. You seem to be proud of your peculiarity. You can at least try something and then give your verdict.
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• Indonesia
13 Mar 21
Sometimes I'd think I'm weird, ah really, I'm a bit spoiled with my dad, okay then I'll try new things and kind of other food. Thank you for the advice
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• Kingston, Jamaica
13 Mar 21
Well me too because it's not everything I am fond of but sometimes when I am eating food and I see something that I don't like if I can pick it out I pick it out but there are some times I do not see it and I taste it in my mouth I spit out everything and I just feel like I wanted to vomit there are things that people say is very nice and when I taste it oh my God it tastes like s***
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• Indonesia
14 Mar 21
We look similar . Of course, everyone has their own taste
@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
14 Mar 21
Just because you don't like what others' eat, doesn't make you weird. People just love to set standard on something We can like and eat whatever. No such thing as being weird. People who said it's weird is the weird one.
• Indonesia
14 Mar 21
Yes, everyone has their own taste. maybe because I never wanted to try the food so they think I'm weird
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@jstory07 (134833)
• Roseburg, Oregon
13 Mar 21
I feel the same if I do not like something I am not going to try it.
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
13 Mar 21
it is not weird if you are picky. there are just things like that
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
13 Mar 21
You should do whatever you feel like. Take care
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
13 Mar 21
Everybody is different in their own way.
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• Bosnia And Herzegovina
13 Mar 21
i don't think you're weird, it's normal to dislike some food. i'm not too picky, but i don't like meat and everyone thinks that i'm weird for not liking it. i do eat chicken fillet and fish (but if i see something "white" or oily in it, i want to puke).people here like cevapi, lamb, beef and stuff like that - but i haven't had that for more than 10 years, i don't even know if it's that i don't like it, or i just got used to not eating it haha. i also don't eat salami or sausages or hot dog or pašteta (that's some kind of paste, but i don't like it). in the end, i eat vegetables and fruits and snacks. i don't eat too much dairy products because of my skin. so yeah, i think i understand you
• Bosnia And Herzegovina
13 Mar 21
@nadiaausftr we're the same but the opposite haha
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• Indonesia
13 Mar 21
We look alike, because there are many kinds of food we don't like. The difference is I like beef or chicken and and fish hahah, besides those I don't like it especially vegetables. Thanks for understand me!
@gamayngbaki (1602)
• Cebu, Philippines
13 Mar 21
There are some types of food that I don't like to try to eat at all like exotic food. I usually cook my own food so I get to eat only that food which I like.
• Indonesia
13 Mar 21
Ah me too!, I prefer my home food
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