Do you eat fruits at night time? is it good?

April 24, 2021 2:49pm CST
Hello Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to you all my dear mylotters It is 21:46 to be exact here and still not feeling to sleep. I just thought of having some fruit like Mango now. I don`t usually eat fruit at night time but when I can`t sleep while mylotting I love something to eat Do you think it is good to eat fruits at night time? I hope you can share it with me here Have a great day and Happy mylotting Photo: google
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9 responses
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
25 Apr 21
I don't think it's bad to eat fruit at night. You may eat anything when feeling hungry. We should eat light food if we can as it's easy to digest.
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• Germany
25 Apr 21
Oh ok. I`m thinking the same thing Thank you
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@YrNemo (20257)
25 Apr 21
mango sounds yummy, at whatever time of the day . (If you crave for anything, more likely your body needs certain vitamins or whatever in that food. Go for it.)
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• Germany
25 Apr 21
I think so too. Thank you
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@coolchai (753)
• Philippines
16 May 21
i eat fruits anytime of the day. healthy.
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• Germany
17 May 21
That`s right. What kind of fruit do you like to eat anytime?
@snowy22315 (174709)
• United States
25 Apr 21
I will eat fruit at night often but not very late at night.
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• Germany
25 Apr 21
Oh ok. Thank you
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@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 21
I don't eat anything before bed. I won't be able to sleep if I do that.
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• Germany
30 Apr 21
I think you`re right. Thank you
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@Lucky15 (37377)
• Philippines
24 Apr 21
I had oranges last night before i go to bed and better to have fruits than eat some chips that i have, haha
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• Germany
25 Apr 21
Oh yes. You`re right. Thank you
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Apr 21
I don't think it will be harmful to eat fruits at night. Usually I will eat the fruits in the morning or at night after dinner. Sometimes I will also eat it after lunch.
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• Germany
25 Apr 21
Good to know. I`m kind of worried about my sugar intake. Thank you
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
25 Apr 21
I am not sure if it is good but yes I had a bit of apple last night
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• Germany
25 Apr 21
I think that there`s no problem of eating fruits at night time. Not unless you`re watching your sugar
@Fleura (29559)
• United Kingdom
24 Apr 21
Bananas have high levels of potassium as well as tryptophan, which can help you to relax and sleep. If you can drink milk, that also contains tryptophan and melatonin, which regulates the sleep cycle. So a banana and a glass of milk (or a banana mashed up with milk, which my parents used to give me if I was hungry before bed when I was a child) is actually a really good bedtime snack.
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• Germany
25 Apr 21
That sounds so good. I will do that next time. Thank you so much. I don`t know about tryptophan
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