Do you know Embotido?

May 5, 2021 5:58am CST
Hello Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all my dear mylotters I woke up in a windy and rainy day. Too bad weather today. I can`t go out like this again. Oh well. I`ll just have to do more longer dancing exercise Today, I am craving for this Embotido which will take a little bit of your effort to make. I think I can only explain what are the things in there but can`t actually explain well. Here goes how to prepare it. First. You must have a kilo of ground pork then mix it with chopped hot dogs, chorizo, grated cheese 1 box, red bell pepper,7pcs olives, 2 slices of loaf bread, a teaspoon of milk, 4pcs eggs and carrots. mix it all together and wrap it with a foil just like in the photo like a large hot dog. Then, you have to boil it for 1 hour with lots of water, tomatoes, salt and onion. Then, let it cool down before serving it. It is something I learned from my grandmother and my mother loves how I make it She wants me to make on special occasions like Christmas and New Year because it is expensive How about you my dear mylotters? Do you know Embotido? What are you having for today? I hope you can share it with me here Have a great day and Happy mylotting Photo: google
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17 responses
@ZedSmart (19753)
• Philippines
5 May 21
Yes, I like embutido though I don't know how to make it.
2 people like this
• Germany
5 May 21
It is easy but you need a lot of effort to make it. Thank you
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@ZedSmart (19753)
• Philippines
5 May 21
@m_audrey6788 yes, I have seen someone making it and there is this threadlike that she tied on the molded mixture.
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• Germany
5 May 21
@ZedSmart I don`t tied it up only roll it and fold like this in the photo
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
5 May 21
I do not boil embutido but I steam it after I wrap it in foil. After that I cool it down and then you can freeze them. I like that but I do not make this anymore since you can buy it easily now. I like to do morcon but it very difficult to do
2 people like this
• Germany
5 May 21
Good thing you can buy it there anywhere but we don`t have here like this. That`s why I have to make my own to enjoy that. I know how to make morcon too. It is hard but it is really delicious
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• Germany
6 May 21
@rakski Oh ok. I think many people love it
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
6 May 21
@m_audrey6788 years back only few sell this kind of food but nowadays, you can order it online
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
5 May 21
Yes, this is a popular dish here in the Philippines. It is a dish that can be seen in parties and special occasions.
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• Germany
5 May 21
Yes. That`s true. It is really popular in the Philippines. Thank you Do you make your own?
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
5 May 21
@m_audrey6788 no, I usually just buy it.
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• Germany
6 May 21
@allen0187 Oh ok. Thank you
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• Nairobi, Kenya
5 May 21
I've never heard of it before. Wow! The ingredients are so many. I love how it looks on the photo. It's making me hungry.
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• Germany
5 May 21
Yes. The ingredients is a lot but the taste is really delicious. I`m sure you will like it Thank you
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• Germany
5 May 21
@mildredtabitha That`s great. I hope you can find something like this.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
5 May 21
@m_audrey6788 welcome. I will try and see if it exists in my country in restaurants so I can buy it. I will search for it and see if it has other names
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@pitsipeahie (4603)
5 May 21
I think you mean steam instead of boil. You pour water on the steamer and let boil while the wrapped embutido is neatly arranged atop the steamer. We do make embutido mostly on special occasions like Christmas, I'd rather just buy one instead of making my own although homemade is more delicious than the ones you can buy but of course less hassle and effort on our part. Embutido also tastes good with raisins in the mixture, some would put boiled eggs too, pickle relish, and add some bread bits or bread crumbs as an extender.
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• Germany
5 May 21
Oh ok. I think I boiled it when making embutido not steam but yours is also good. I think Thank you
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• Germany
6 May 21
@pitsipeahie It is how my grandmother taught me. I just followed her way of doing it. The taste is really good. The water that has been used to boil the embutido is the one I use for spaghetti sauce. That`s why we only make this on special occasions but you have a point there.It`s just that I don`t have a bigger steamer to do it.
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6 May 21
@m_audrey6788 I do not know about you but If it’s really embutido and not some other kind of meatloaf, then yes, it is steamed. Even if you search it on the net, you will see it’s steamed or baked but never boiled by submerging the wrapped embutido in aluminum foil in water. If you submerge the embutido in the water to boil, then the flavor would just go into the water and it will lose its taste. (even if the water is spiced) It might also break your embutido. You have to put it above the water by placing it on a rack then cover the pan or better use the steamer. Anyway, just sayin’ because i’ve never heard of boiling the embutido itself directly in the water. If that is how you do it, then I would respect it.
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• India
5 May 21
So instead of pork can we use some other meat? Wouldn't boiling breaks it into small chunks? Don't know Embotido. Would really like to try one myself. Looks delicious bydway. Thank You for this.
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• Germany
5 May 21
Yes. I also use ground beef Thank you You have to do it like on the photo
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• Germany
5 May 21
@Prabhatsingh Yes. I think there are mylotters who make chicken
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• India
5 May 21
@m_audrey6788 Oh wrapped in foil. that makes sense. Other than beef? Chicken maybe?
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@coolchai (753)
• Philippines
16 May 21
yes i know embotido. i cook embotido ??
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• Germany
17 May 21
Yes and I like your embotido. Miss it so much
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
5 May 21
I know how to make real good embotido because way back, when our clan was still intact and has not spread out into the world, we would meet for Christmas and other occasions, I always prepare embotido as my share. My relatives even get extra to take home. For my own family now, my daughter prepares chicken embotido.
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• Germany
5 May 21
That`s new to me. I never tried Chicken embotido before but I will see if I can try it Thank you
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• Germany
7 May 21
@eileenleyva I agree.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
7 May 21
@m_audrey6788 The pork, of course, is tastier but the chicken is healthier.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
5 May 21
I'm an " embutido" ( think it's spelled this way) expert because it's one of those dishes I cook better than my wife or my mom
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• Germany
5 May 21
Ooops. sorry about the spelling Yours looks so good Thank you
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
6 May 21
No I have not made/eaten it. Through your picture it looks tasty .
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• Germany
6 May 21
Yes. It was really tasty and delicious. Thank you
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
5 May 21
I’ve never heard of them before. I’d try them.
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• Germany
5 May 21
You can try it. After mixing it just put it in an aluminum foil just like in the photo. Then boil it with tomatoes, salt and onion for 1 hour
@DianneN (247202)
• United States
5 May 21
It’s new to me. Interesting combination.
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• Germany
5 May 21
Yes. It is really nice. I hope you can try it. The taste is really something good. Thank you
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
7 May 21
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 May 21
I've never heard of it. Sounds interesting.
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• Germany
5 May 21
It is really delicious and tasty but you really have to put some effort in making it Thank you
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• Germany
6 May 21
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 May 21
@m_audrey6788 You're welcome.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 May 21
Looks very good. Never had these.
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• Germany
5 May 21
Thank you It is really tasty and good. I hope you can try this
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
5 May 21
Is it like a meatloaf?
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• Germany
5 May 21
Yes. It is like meatloaf It is very delicious
@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
5 May 21
Good to know. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day. Take care
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• Germany
5 May 21
You`re welcome. Have a great day and Take care too
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@Shxrubia (2752)
• Indonesia
5 May 21
I'm seeing it for the first time, it's almost like one of the food here
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• Germany
5 May 21
Oh ok. What it is called in your country?