Morning workout in our Children's Home

@franxav (13717)
July 6, 2021 9:09pm CST
Every morning at 6:30 children of our foster home come out to the lawn for a short workout. They begin with a round of jogging. Then they stand in lines for the workout. They turn all their joints, starting from the neck and move downward. Wrist, shoulder, waist, knees, ankle all joints are turned 20 times. At the end of it , they recite a prayer. Then , they take a skipping rope each 50 jumps are advised for smaller children whereas those above 12 years of age are asked to complete 100 jumps. After the workout time, children return to their houses. I stand and encourage the children during the workout. In the process I too get my workout.
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5 responses
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
7 Jul 21
That sounds very nice for both of you indeed
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
7 Jul 21
Good morning... it's a healthy routine.. keeps children fit
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
7 Jul 21
wow, they are early riser
@JudyEv (332014)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Jul 21
That's a really good idea. It's good you get to benefit too.
@Janet357 (75651)
7 Jul 21
I like workout. Speaking of jumping rope, I think it is good to have one.