Searching for online work from home...

Our lovely Khaleesi Kat...
White River, South Africa
October 4, 2021 6:48am CST
Hi everyone, I am new on this platform and extremely exited to become part of something! How are you all and where are you all from? I live in South Africa and lost my job recently, actually I have been really struggling to find a "proper job", and at my age you don't necessarily want to "work for a boss" again and working from home is ideal, since I have "furry kids" and they are my life. I have been searching for "work from home jobs" for some time now, and sjoe.... what a mission and also sooo much to read and get to know in different areas. I actually don't even know where to start... I would love to hear from you all and cant wait to meet new people. Thank you so much for your time to read my post:-)
10 people like this
9 responses
@Vree0937 (3879)
• Indonesia
4 Oct 21
Tgere are many freelance site. One that i use (with no luck) is guru dot com
2 people like this
• Cuddalore, India
4 Oct 21
Are you successfull in guru dot com
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@Vree0937 (3879)
• Indonesia
4 Oct 21
@Lignitecityabishek96 not yet. I do not have web skills
1 person likes this
• White River, South Africa
4 Oct 21
@Lignitecityabishek96 not at all, I have been with them for a few years, maybe because I am from South Africa and online work is not that popular here yet. I however think it will become more now with the Covid, but also they don't pay well at all...
• Cuddalore, India
4 Oct 21
You can try youTube and blogging to make a decent money from home. I don't know about the difficulty of YouTube but blogging needs some guidance to do everything correctly to prevent unnecessary wastages.
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• Cuddalore, India
4 Oct 21
@Khaleesi7 Good luck. If you need any help just ping me I will help you at free of cost.
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• Cuddalore, India
4 Oct 21
@Khaleesi7 Sharing is caring
• White River, South Africa
4 Oct 21
Thank you so much, I am currently looking into that also...
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@GardenGerty (159031)
• United States
4 Oct 21
You will not make a lot of money here, but you will make a lot of friends. I take surveys, not sure how available they are for you. I would like something online that is more substantial myself, but I also work outside the home full time.
1 person likes this
• White River, South Africa
5 Oct 21
Thank you Heather, I love people ??
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
4 Oct 21
There are a lot of people from all over the world here. Welcome and hope you enjoy your stay. Just make sure to follow what JJ said and you’ll be ok. See you around.
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@bbghitte (3294)
• Philippines
4 Oct 21
Hi and welcome to mylot!
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@fuzie92 (73)
• Bandung, Indonesia
24 Oct 21
Same as me searching for online work from home and I'm newbie in myLot and I search and learn any work in any website
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
4 Oct 21
Try Fiverr or Textbroker. Good luck.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
4 Oct 21
Welcome here. Enjoy and make friends while earning a little
@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
4 Oct 21
Hi! Welcome to Mylot. I hope you will enjoy it here.