What's on your mind?

October 24, 2021 9:10am CST
This is my 1st post, just joined today. I need friends or someone to guide me how myLot works. hehhe Let's be friends?
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11 responses
@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
24 Oct 21
Of course you will have many friends here. Here is some guidelines to get you started. Welcome to myLot.
This is where you will find out what kinds of behavior are accepted and unaccepted on myLot. When in doubt, remember the Golden Rule!
3 people like this
24 Oct 21
Thank you so much Rebecca! Appreciated
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Oct 21
@dreywar Welcome, have fun here, it is a wonderful site.
1 person likes this
24 Oct 21
@RebeccasFarm I'm still learning the flow and I'll make sure I will have fun
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@fuzie92 (73)
• Bandung, Indonesia
25 Oct 21
hello, welcome to mylot, I'm newbie too
1 person likes this
• Bandung, Indonesia
25 Oct 21
@dreywar hi nice to see you
1 person likes this
25 Oct 21
Hi there! Let's be friends
@1creekgirl (41021)
• United States
24 Oct 21
Welcome! This isn't a place to get rich, but it is a place to make new friends.
1 person likes this
24 Oct 21
Thank you! Yes indeed, so far I'm having fun and making new friends ??
1 person likes this
• Canada
24 Oct 21
Welcome to MyLot, hope you enjoy it here!
1 person likes this
24 Oct 21
Thank you Mandy! I will make sure to Enjoy
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
24 Oct 21
@dreywar Welcome to My Lot. How did you hear about it? Can you tell us something about yourself? Please read the Guidelines. Also you can answer other posts or post your own. I suggest you check out others till you get to know others here.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
24 Oct 21
@dreywar Hi back at you. You are welcome.
1 person likes this
24 Oct 21
Hi Hanni! Yes, thank you!
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@Andini (3211)
• Indonesia
25 Oct 21
Hello, welcome to this more friendly and less earning community. Hope u will enjoy here
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@Andini (3211)
• Indonesia
26 Oct 21
@dreywar yea, you can ask questions by ur discussion topic. Hope u will get many responses
25 Oct 21
This is actually nice. I can ask or vent out all questions that I have in my head and nobody knows me hahah
1 person likes this
24 Oct 21
Just type and converse. Eventually, you'll get there.
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
25 Oct 21
Here first familiarize yourself of the community guidelines and everything will come naturally.
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@MarieCoyle (32474)
31 Oct 21
I hope you enjoy interacting here. I like the interaction, it's fun.
@t100068 (289)
26 Oct 21
Of course, welcome to mylot. It’s an incredible website. I’m new here as well. Have an amazing time on mylot.
@shimba21 (64)
24 Oct 21
Greetings and greetings of friendship, hopefully we can share with each other here. Be it luck or happiness....
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24 Oct 21
Friendship please. Thank you