How can parents build a trusting relationship with their children?

@Gabugs (1895)
United States
May 26, 2022 5:00pm CST
In a secure home environment, a child feels protected. He/she is able to trust his parents and their decisions implicitly. Such a child is well aware that his parents have his best interests in mind and therefore, makes sure to abide by their wishes. A child, who is thus geared towards a trusting relationship, does not need threats or fear of punishment to behave in accordance with the home rules or the expected code of conduct from his parents. Parents who encourage their children to participate in family discussions and express their opinion freely are better able to build a trusting relationship with them. It is these parents, who spend their time and effort in building a strong trusting relationship with their children. They seldom fail, A natural positive outcome thus ensues, enabling the child to be well-adjusted in life. It teaches him resilience, builds in him a positive sense of identity, and boosts his ego as he moves towards adulthood. Above all, consistent and loving approbation from one’s parents inspires the child to forge ahead in life with confidence and right goodwill.
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3 responses
@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
27 May 22
Well said my friend and I totally agree with you. Have a nice weekend
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@Gabugs (1895)
• United States
29 May 22
@erictsuma Thanks. You too.
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@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
30 May 22
@Gabugs you're welcome
@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
27 May 22
What you have pointed put are parents-children effective means of building closed relationships among themselves. I believe that.
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@Gabugs (1895)
• United States
29 May 22
If you believe in this and practice it, then your children are fortunate.
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
29 May 22
@Gabugs Yes, I believe and practice them.
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@JudyEv (328120)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 May 22
Bringing children up in the right way is incredibly important. You have good information here.
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@Gabugs (1895)
• United States
29 May 22
Thanks, @JudyEv Well, having been a teacher for several years, I have observed children's interactions with their parents. Parents who closely and positively influence their kids are fortunate to have good character as young adults.