Why Don't all Countries legalize cannabis?

Photo caption of cannabis
@Basilo (649)
June 28, 2022 2:11am CST
Cannabis is very valuable and has been proved to cure several ailments. Historically, it has been used as a source of industrial fiber, medicine, for both spiritual and religious moods and food. What is the political dimension of banning cannabis? It has been indicated that the demonization of cannabis was an extension of the demonization of the mexican immigrants ( Mexico being the home of cannabis) in light of these, illegalization of marijuana has been a method towards controlling people by controlling their customs. Can we say the era of punishing the mexicans by illegalizing is over and now we should legalize it to derive its various benefits? my answer is yes.. it has got a lot of benefits... what are your thoughts? are there hidden reasons why canabis should be illegalized?
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3 responses
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
28 Jun 22
If it stays illegal the price remains higher, but it is legal for medical purpose so the pharma companies can charge more.
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
28 Jun 22
@Basilo You are not arrested here if it is a little quantity considered for "personal use", but you can be fined.
@Basilo (649)
28 Jun 22
Okay Anna, I get the point. The problem that exist is that its possession has never been associated with medical purposes even if that is the case. You are caught with it and you are arrested!!!
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@Basilo (649)
28 Jun 22
@LadyDuck That is okay. It is never the same in Kenya!
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@Aiana18 (698)
• Belo Horizonte, Brazil
28 Jun 22
Here in Brazil we have all the conditions to produce Cannabis. I am in favor of medicinal use. But I saw in a documentary that the pharmaceutical industry has an influence on this ban.
@Basilo (649)
28 Jun 22
Yes Aiana, that is very interesting. Is the influence on the ban related to its effectiveness on pharmaceuticals as per the documentary? I think it could be coz pharmaceuticals in another huge industry that succeeds on morbidity ahaha
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@Basilo (649)
28 Jun 22
@Aiana18 Okay, cannabis exploration in the pharmaceutical industry is something worth studying. I know a lot has been studied and we need to put those data into practice. They will certainly inform a lot of decisions surrounding its legalization or not.
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@Aiana18 (698)
• Belo Horizonte, Brazil
28 Jun 22
@Basilo I don't remember very well the reason for this, but in Brazil it is influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. And several factors such as medical knowledge to prescribe. In Brazil we find 2 cannabis-based remedies in pharmacies but they are expensive. The others need to be imported. We are making progress in releasing cannabis for medical use, but there is still a long way to go. In Brazil, the consequences of this legalization would be unpredictable. All care is little.
@Laurakemunto (12862)
• Kenya
28 Jun 22
The more illegal it is the more it has a high monetary value through illegal trades and smuggling hence making it legal automatically will reduce it's monetary value
@Basilo (649)
28 Jun 22
Very true, I think illegalizing it is one sure way to regulate its utilization. More of its supply will certainly reduce its value.