It's hard to organize my cabinets but i need to

@hotsummer (13837)
July 5, 2022 11:28am CST
I had cleaned the house for about an hour. Then after that, I thought I should organize my cabinets. I emptied all the cabinets of all clothes. I sort through pile of clothes. Organized it and had different plastic bag for each kind of clothes. One bag are for pants and another for casual shirts, another for formal wear and etc. And since we have so many curtains, bed sheets, unused towels and other kinds . I did put them in each bag and put them back on the cabinets because i would not use them at all. Those i use ,which are few, are in the drawer. But old or hardly used clothes are so many and occupy more than half the space of my cabinets. Not to mention there's some clothes i put in garbage already instead and free some space on the cabinet. But still the cabinet looks so full . I did carefully organize them to maximize the space and to easily find the clothes i want. I did all this for about four hours or so non stop. I mean the sorting of clothes. But still i have some clothes to sort through tomorrow. With already few space left i don't know how I will get them back inside cabinet organized.
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4 responses
@paigea (36224)
• Canada
5 Jul 22
My cupboards are too full. I can't seem to get them organized.
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
5 Jul 22
Yes that's my problem also. Also need to sort through that too. It won't be easy . I need to dispose some
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
5 Jul 22
@paigea if i broke cups accidentally. At least i do have valid reason to throw them to garbage.
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@paigea (36224)
• Canada
5 Jul 22
@hotsummer So do I. I've broken two cups lately. That's two things gone
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
6 Jul 22
I have to take everything out of my cupboards, go through things and throw/donate everything I do not need.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
6 Jul 22
I have more than what i need. Planning to throw away some plastic cups and ceramic ones also
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
6 Jul 22
@LadyDuck it's not easy to throw them either. Maybe donate. have about 40 ceramic dishes and different sizes and shapes which makes it harder to organize or keep them.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
6 Jul 22
@hotsummer - I have a lot more than I need. I already donated many dishes and glasses, but I still have more than we need.
@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
5 Jul 22
I did that too and it was not easy.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
5 Jul 22
Yes . It is harder since I'm actually organizing the whole house. The clothes was only a part of the work. I need to organize the kitchen cabinets. Then the cabinets for carpentry tools. Then the cabinet for laundry stuff etc. Whatever needs to be done to have organize house
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• Germany
5 Jul 22
@hotsummer Oh yes. It is more harder
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
5 Jul 22
@m_audrey6788 wish i have less stuff. They say less is more. Indeed
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@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
5 Jul 22
I hope you can finish organize your clothes in the cabinet tomorrow . I like to organize my cabinet if i have extra time to make it look organized for me :)
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
5 Jul 22
Yes . I actually have given away bags of clothes before but still i have so much . But these i can't give away. I have to keep them even if i won't use them
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