Cupcake attempt take 2

@NJChicaa (117604)
United States
November 30, 2022 3:17pm CST
I wanted to try a new recipe over the weekend but somehow I measured the liquid ingredients incorrectly and the whole thing was an unsalvagable mess. I dumped it out and figured I'd try again this week. So that is what I am doing right now. The recipe is for strawberry coconut cupcakes. The cupcakes themselves are a vanilla cake with shredded coconut. The icing is a strawberry buttercream and then you sprinkle toasted coconut on top. I like strawberry and love all things coconut so I am interested to see how the flavors go together. The batter is mixed, in muffin cups, and baking in the oven for about 30 minutes. I will deal with dinner when they are done and then do the strawberry buttercream and toasted coconut after that. I will bring them in to work tomorrow and leave them in the faculty room for my coworkers to enjoy. They like when I bake.
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6 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
30 Nov 22
Oh my gosh those sound delicious
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
30 Nov 22
CouldnĀ“t you turn the "mess" into pancakes? The word unsalvagable saddens me.
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@NJChicaa (117604)
• United States
30 Nov 22
It never occurred to me.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
1 Dec 22
@NJChicaa From what you wrote, probably the only problem was too much liquid.
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
30 Nov 22
Best of luck to you and I hope the cupcakes come out great, They sure sound delicious,
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@kobesbuddy (77725)
• East Tawas, Michigan
30 Nov 22
OH my gosh, the faculty members will really enjoy these cupcakes! Coconut is also very decorative, Mom quite often used it to beautify cakes and cookies.
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@spiderdust (14740)
• San Jose, California
1 Dec 22
I'm glad the batter went better this time around! I wonder what was mismeasured last time?
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
2 Dec 22
They will turn out great; and your coworkers will love them.
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