A dusky morning

@allknowing (132081)
December 12, 2022 8:46pm CST
It has been raining since the last two days, late evenings. No doubt it sounds like lullaby and puts us to sleep, It has plus and minus points. The plus points being it sounds like a lullaby, the garden needs no watering, the well swells up but it is the time for fruit trees to flower and if it rains there will be no flowering I took a stroll in the garden this morning as usual with camera in tow and had to click this photo - a dusky morning show. Yes. I see no flowers on our fruit trees They normally sow up around November. What's in store this year when it comes to fruits is anybody's guess. Looks like we will have to buy mangoes and jack fruits - never done this before.
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6 responses
@Hytton03 (5454)
• Philippines
13 Dec 22
if that happen here raining for two days yes I fell sleepy too. but here sunny day and love the weather. here I'm buying mangoes online store.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
You are buying may be because you do not grow your own. We have four trees
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@Hytton03 (5454)
• Philippines
13 Dec 22
@allknowing true I don't have trees here all my fruits is from online they deliver into my home. your lucky you have trees and totally fresh fruit
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
@Hytton03 We gave up city life and all its glamour just so that we can get our own fruits
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Dec 22
I love those colourful leaves.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
They are crotons not much adored by anyone as they common and easy to grow. But I have always liked them and have many all over the garden
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
@JudyEv The come in an array of colours and shapes
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@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Dec 22
@allknowing I should have known the name. My mum had some at one time.
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@shaggin (71822)
• United States
13 Dec 22
Oh no i hope you won’t have to buy mangos and Jack fruit. Weather can be so unpredictable.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
If that happens that will be the first time after we settled down here. The weather is certainly taking us round the bend
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@shaggin (71822)
• United States
13 Dec 22
@allknowing such awful news
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
@shaggin Keeping my fingers crossed
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@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
13 Dec 22
It is dusky it looks like evening coming instead.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
Yes. But that was a morning picture!!
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• United States
13 Dec 22
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@jstory07 (135931)
• Roseburg, Oregon
13 Dec 22
Would the fruit come late. I hope so.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
The normal rainy season starts in June and if there are fruits at that time they will be infested with worms.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
13 Dec 22
We had rain for days last week. Cloudy since, and now rain again after midnight and all day tomorrow.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
13 Dec 22
Is it normal out there this part of year?
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
13 Dec 22
@allknowing Yes, we have all over the place weather here.
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