Almost the End of the Week

Sparta, Tennessee
January 5, 2023 10:21am CST
It's almost the end of the week already. I'm kind of glad because that should bring me one more week closer to my job lol. I'm still doing various crafts. I actually got two shirts done yesterday along with a couple phone cases, keychains, and magnets. I started the epoxy dreamcatcher yesterday and today I put epoxy in some of the molds. I'm hoping that it turns out well so we'll just have to see. I have binged all of CSI including the new one. I love this show lol. The hubby and I also got all caught up on SWAT. I think that the FBI shows are next to watch. To celebrate The Secret Life of Amy Bensen now being on Passionflix, I decided to re-read the books. It was the second series I read by Lisa Renee Jones and I still love it. I started book number two last night, Infinite Possibilities. The reading goal I set this year is 100 even though I didn't even come close to that last year. Oh well, we'll see what we shall see. The puzzle I started yesterday is Sailor Moon and so far I love it. It's easier to put together than the other one I have but it will still take a bit to put together. I already had my time on that today and am now working on a few more phone cases and a few pens. I even have three 30oz tumblers to make for a few friends. I hate 30oz tumblers but maybe I won't if I get a bigger printer. That's a ways off though. Oh well, off of the coffee and on too the loaded teas. If I have a couple of those I might make it through the day lol. What's everyone else up to today?
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4 responses
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Jan 23
Sounds like you really like the cop shows. I used to watch CSI until several of the better characters left the show.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
6 Jan 23
I did as well but then they came out with CSI Vegas and so I decided to just binge the whole series. Turns out it wasn't too bad when they switched out a few of the people.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Jan 23
@JordanLader .......I really enjoyed CSI Vegas.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
16 Jan 23
@celticeagle I can't wait for more episodes lol. I think I might be an episode or two behind now though. I have to check.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
6 Jan 23
I'm a reader too, I don't count but I read several books every week.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
6 Jan 23
@JordanLader I sometimes read a book I’ve read before but not often. I find too many new good ones. I have several waiting for me now. I’m just finishing Catnapped by Elaine Viets. . Not the best book I’ve read but not the worst.
• Sparta, Tennessee
6 Jan 23
I just found it interesting seeing how many I read in a year and how many times I re-read a book. I have several re-reads if you look at my lists throughout the past few years.
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@choijungeun (2600)
• Hangzhou, China
5 Jan 23
It's good habit to read books,i wish you can finish your goal.Today i listened to pop music and drank the new tea,a very peaceful and normal day.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
6 Jan 23
That sounds good. I haven't had tea in a while and I'm thinking about going back to it
@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
6 Jan 23
Thanks for the update. I will be working on adding up all the medical checks and prescriptions in getting ready for when the tax statements show up. I want to get the taxes done in February.
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