Have you ever become a volunteer?

March 12, 2023 3:08am CST
Yesterday my one acquaintance asked me to be a volunteer to teach the students under the alternative learning system who are supposed to graduate as Grade 10 students this year.So I had the chance to teach them Math like the concepts on operations of integers,PEMDAS, operations of polynomials and other topics..Also,I was asked by the students about other topics they have difficulties with. Indeed age is not a hindrance for one to finish his or her studies.It's also great that there is Alternative Learning System that students can enroll in.This gives students an opportunity to continue their studies without going to a formal school.I am glad that I was able to share what I know with them. In your case, have you ever become a volunteer? If you have, what volunteering experience is that and how was it?
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7 responses
12 Mar 23
Yes I started volunteering when I was 15 and now I’m 33 years old and still doing it. Usually not more than 10 hours a week if some organizations have an event coming up I will increase my hours. The experiences vary from teaching, food kitchens, shelters, awareness campaigns… I enjoy it and have made lots of friends this way over the years.
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14 Jan
That's amazing
@Laurakemunto (12862)
• Kenya
12 Mar 23
I have been volunteering for various organizations which I got skills and am still willing to volunteer more
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14 Jan
We can also learn while volunteering..
@velvet53 (22527)
• Palisade, Colorado
12 Mar 23
Volunteering is so rewarding. I used to do tutoring at a college helping people with reading. I also volunteered at a food bank. I met so many people while I was there.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
12 Mar 23
Yes, I have volunteered several times, where I live now and also where I lived in the past.
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
13 Mar 23
Yes, way back me and my friends volunteer for different medical and dental missions
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@Gotrix (202)
12 Mar 23
It's great that you've decided to help students in the alternative education system with their studies! It's a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge and help others. Volunteering is a great way to make a contribution to society and help those in need. I'm sure your help is very important to the students, and I wish you success in this endeavor!
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
12 Mar 23
No, I haven't. But in the university, before we do outreach programs where we visit underprivileged communities and give them, free medical checkups and medicines. We also adopt poor communities and develop it with regard to infrastructure, agriculture, education, and health.
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