3 April - What I'm Thankful for Today

@just4him (314741)
Green Bay, Wisconsin
April 3, 2023 4:21pm CST
It's been a good day. I'm thankful I didn't go to the pool this morning as I needed to do laundry and had it in the washer before 4 AM. The clothes are now folded, hung, and put away. I'm thankful for the exercise I got today. I got five miles on the bike during the exercise class, then added another 6K steps when I went out to collect Bingo numbers and walk the muddy trail. I have almost 12K steps. I'm thankful I got the notifications done twice today and I see I have more so I will do those too after I post this. I'm so happy to spend time here with you in your world. Next time please have tea. I'm not a coffee drinker. It's good to have fun with you. That's my day, not much, but my body feels like I put it through the wringer with all the steps I got today. I will definitely need to keep walking the trail. I am so out of shape. I didn't walk the trail last year, and I could feel it. I know it too when I step on the scale. Though, I'm going to wait until it dries out a bit before going back on the trail. What are you thankful for today? Thanks for reading. The image belongs to me.
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13 responses
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
3 Apr 23
It rained last night and all day. I haven’t been out to walk but I have walked in my apartment and hall so I have a good amount of steps. Glad you could get so much done today.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
I'm sorry you couldn't walk outside, but I'm glad you could inside. Thank you.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Apr 23
@RubyHawk I'm glad it was a nice warm day.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
5 Apr 23
@just4him Today's a very nice day, 82 degrees and partially sunny.
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
4 Apr 23
I am thankful for the past days, I was able to make online sales
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
5 Apr 23
@just4him true!!
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
I'm glad you could make online sales.
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@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
3 Apr 23
Hi there. That is great that you got so much exercise. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished. That's a nice picture, is that where you were walking? I do like coffee but I will make you some tea next time. Have a great day!
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Apr 23
Yes, that's where I was walking. You can see how high the creek is. Thank you. You too.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
4 Apr 23
Thankful for a wonderfully warm day here. I spent some time outside also. You have a choice of teas here. Most are herbal blends or green tea.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
I'll take an herbal please and thank you. It's delicious! I'm glad you have a wonderfully warm day.
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Apr 23
I thanked the Lord for the Holy Week. I did a lot of writing online as usual. GLad you were able to get some walking done,
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
Yes, it's good to thank the Lord for Holy Week. Without what Jesus did, we would have no hope. I'm glad you got a lot of writing done. Thank you. It felt good to walk.
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@Chellezhere (5625)
• United States
4 Apr 23
I am thankful that my father was a journalist, editor and photographer who gave me the knowledge to not believe everything I hear or read on TV, the Internet, radio, and print.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
That's good he was. Those stories and commercials can be convincing if you don't do your own research.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Apr 23
@Chellezhere I'm glad your representative is on the right path.
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• United States
5 Apr 23
@just4him The news would be better if they'd go back to using journalists instead of opinion commentators, but I digress. I live in New York. Federally, my senators are the majority leader and Gillibrand. I am not too pleased about that. But at least my representative is on the right path.
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@kaylachan (62735)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Apr 23
I am thankful for the warm but plesent weather. George and I spent the day shopping, so we got a lot done. I don't think we forgot everything or anything.
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@kaylachan (62735)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Apr 23
@just4him Me, too. It's supposed to cool down a little bit next week, but only in the 70's instead of the 80's so I doubt I'll really notice a difference.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
It's good when you don't forget anything when you go shopping. I'm glad the weather was pleasant.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Apr 23
@kaylachan It's hard for me to think of the 70s as cooling down, but when you have the 80s I guess it is. We're warming up to the 70s this next week.
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
4 Apr 23
Walking the trail will be good. Do you ever see wild life along the trail?
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
Many times. I've seen deer several times and occasionally I see a cardinal. Those always make my day. Capturing pictures of cardinals isn't easy, but I think I did it once. I have several pictures of deer on the trail.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
4 Apr 23
I am thankful for the pretty weather.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
I'm glad your weather is nice.
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
4 Apr 23
I'm thankful to spend sometime in our garden today .
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
I'm glad you could spend time in your garden.
• Rupert, Idaho
4 Apr 23
That is a lot of steps, so that is understandable! Sounds like a good day though, which is always good...
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
Thank you. Yes, I've gotten lots of steps this week.
• Rupert, Idaho
5 Apr 23
@just4him You do daily so I am not surprised...
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@Adie04 (17360)
4 Apr 23
I am thankful that I can make breakfast and lunch today. Otherwise, I'll be spending another money on food again.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
I'm glad you made your breakfast and lunch so you didn't need to spend money on it.
@leighnyork (1880)
4 Apr 23
Those are some great achievements you have there.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Apr 23
Thank you.