Lucky in a sense

@YrNemo (20257)
April 16, 2023 11:21pm CST
Because of all the hoohahs with Whatsapp that I ended up buying a new (inexpensive) android phone. While I was questioning the wisdom in going that far, getting another digital & newer device, I found out I couldn't use Google any more on my old IPhone. Lucky that I have a new phone with me. Is your current phone OK with all the new updates? (I still use my old phone to read news.)
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15 responses
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
17 Apr 23
yes, the phone is good on all those updates
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
17 Apr 23
@YrNemo that is possible or the ios is too old? with advancement of technology and gadget nowadays, we really have to keep up
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
18 Apr 23
@YrNemo that is true. nowadays, you really have to update your gadgets
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Apr 23
@rakski agree, it has good performance.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
17 Apr 23
I use my smartphone ONLY to take photos, I have a very basic cellphone to place and receive calls and I do not go on the Internet with it. I simplified my life.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
18 Apr 23
@YrNemo I am at home most of the time and I read the news online using my computer and my BIG monitor. I have a very hard time using the small screen of the smartphone.
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@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
I have a second sim on my old Iphone now (because I like to have a second number just for emergency). I use that phone mainly for reading news (IPhone's daily news is great!). The odd thing is, strangers kept calling that number. I don't answer of course because I haven't given that new number out to anyone yet. But it is simply weird!
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Apr 23
@LadyDuck Wow exclusively yours.
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
17 Apr 23
I just have feature phones. All the drama happens on my desk top (lol)
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
18 Apr 23
@YrNemo When I sand dramas I meant all activity
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
18 Apr 23
@YrNemo If you have a network connection that is what is needed
@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
@allknowing (I haven't figured out how to set that on my new phone yet.)
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
17 Apr 23
My phone is still good with all of the updates.
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@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
One of my colleagues recently dropped her old Iphone in the toilet. She fixed the dampness now, but told me since she paid for it with her own saving, she treasured it more (hence the reluctance to get a newer, cheaper android one).
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
17 Apr 23
Yes my mobile is updated with all new updates.
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Apr 23
@Icydoll also mine.
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@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
I am hoping to keep this new phone of mine for at least a few years (it has 4G only). Guess yours is with 5G already?
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• Eldoret, Kenya
17 Apr 23
Yes it is, enjoy your new phone
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@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
I am still learning how to use it (I am not too bright in this area), but my oldest kid just taught me how to use certain features on it).
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@YrNemo (20257)
22 Apr 23
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• Eldoret, Kenya
19 Apr 23
@YrNemo its quite complex for the older generation , my mum also has problems figuring some features.
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@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
25 Apr 23
My phone recently had some new updates, and I was very relieved I still knew how to use it afterward!
@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
17 Apr 23
Yes. My mobile is still working good with the updates
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• Germany
22 Apr 23
@YrNemo That`s good
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@YrNemo (20257)
22 Apr 23
If my old iPhone didn't give me problems, I doubt I would have got a new android phone. (but in the end, I still use my old iphone for news and Whatsapp hahaha.)
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
17 Apr 23
Yes my phone is fine but it should be updated soon.
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@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
I love your profile photos. Many of them (like this one) are so pretty. You are not a movie star are you? (I am so dumb with new gadgets. I am still struggling with the new one which is almost half a year old now hahaha.)
@mom210 (9062)
• United States
13 Oct
i get so tired of everything needing an update and every place wants you to have their app. I find it annoying and frustrating.
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
17 Apr 23
But you can still use Safari on your old iPhone?
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@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
no clue. The moment it appeared I turned off the phone and looked around. I have tried again and again to stop it harrassing me hahaha.
@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Apr 23
That was something, but at least you have a new phone.
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Apr 23
@YrNemo omg so better the new one, you're lucky.
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@YrNemo (20257)
18 Apr 23
(the battery seems to last for 3 days, my old one, I must charge two times a day or something.)
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@JESSY3236 (19393)
• United States
18 Apr 23
I don't have an IPhone. My mother does and hers is working fine. I use an android phone.
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@YrNemo (20257)
22 Apr 23
I bought my last one for my daughter. She begged for one because all of her friends at school had iPhone. After I got it for her, she had a look and said, ' sorry, I don't like it any more!' (I was so tempted to smack her then!)
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
18 Apr 23
I am enjoying my iPhone. The camera is excellent as well.
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@YrNemo (20257)
22 Apr 23
hehehe, you must have got one of the latest ones. Congrats. I thought I would get one for my youngest, but one of her older relatives got her an android instead (and everyone was happy!).
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
17 Apr 23
My phone is fine but I might get a second smart phone. Still thinking about it though.