Good afternoon myLot

@NJChicaa (116482)
United States
August 31, 2023 2:58pm CST
Hello everyone. I hope your day is going well. It is 77 degrees F and sunny here at the Jersey Shore. It is beautiful out! And I have not enjoyed any of it today. My coworker/friend did in fact show up to bring me out with her and another coworker for her birthday. It was crazy. She drove 15 minutes south here to get me and then we drove over 30 minutes north to a waterfront bar/restaurant. We had a great time but I was out waaaaaaaaaaaay later than I'm normally awake. I had a thyroid ultrasound scheduled for this morning and then I came back here and went back to sleep. I finally forced myself to get up around 2:30 because I have to be able to sleep tonight. Tomorrow it is back to reality and back to work. I can't believe the summer went so quickly! Now I've gotta work 10 months to get to the next summer break. I've had Whiskey here since I got back this morning. When I woke up they were napping together on the floor in the sun. I wish I could share the picture I got snapped them but, well, pictures. I might put him back over in his crate so I can catch a couple of hours at the pool. What's everyone else up to today?
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1 response
@LindaOHio (160252)
• United States
1 Sep
I'm glad you got a night out. Sorry you have to go back to work. It just seems as if summer just started. I saw the pic on FB. It was so cute. Enjoy your pool time and have a great day.